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9 Simple Ways To Fight Varicose Veins

9 Simple Ways To Fight Varicose Veins

With age, the body changes. And some health problems can appear, including varicose veins. In industrialized countries, more than 30% of women and about 10% of men consult for varicose vein problems. So how to fix it? We have for you simple ways to fight varicose veins.

Varicose veins are dilated, twisted and hypertrophied veins near the surface of the skin. Moreover, it is women who are most likely to develop this circulatory condition.

Varicose veins can cause burns and leg pain. In more serious situations, they can cause leg swelling and changes in the skin, including thinning and inflammation.

There are many ways to combat the problem of varicose veins. Expensive creams and some treatments may not be effective for everyone. Whether in treatment or prevention, the better the blood circulation in the legs, the better. Here are the different ways to remedy varicose veins.

1. Flat heels
When choosing shoes, choose flat shoes. Heels that are more than 3 centimeters high may cause poor blood circulation that can cause damage to the veins.

2. Elevate the feet
Lie down and lay your feet up with a cushion. Your feet must be above the level of your heart. This helps to lessen the pressure in the legs that is a cause of varicose veins.

3. Wear compression stockings
Wearing compression stockings can be extremely effective in combating varicose veins. Compression stockings help improve blood circulation when you do not have time to keep your feet up.

4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a very effective natural remedy for combating varicose veins. Dip a clean cloth or gauze into apple cider vinegar and place it on the affected area. Leave on for about 20 to 30 minutes.

Although apple cider vinegar has many healing properties, it can also be particularly effective in improving blood circulation and reducing swelling of the veins.

5. Cold showers
Especially if your varicose veins are painful, jetting cold water on the parts affected by varicose veins can be an excellent remedy.

Cold causes the contraction of the veins by the direct stimulation of the smooth muscle lining the vessels. This is usually an easy treatment to do at home.

This method can not only relieve pain, but also strengthen the walls of the veins, thus contributing to the fight against varicose veins.

6. Do not cross your legs
Crossing the legs often can lead to varicose veins, as this position causes a significantly reduced blood circulation. So, do not sit cross-legged for a long time.

7. Loose clothes
It is recommended to favor loose clothing that promotes good blood circulation. Avoid wearing tight clothing, especially those that may reduce blood circulation around the waist, legs and groin.

8. Avoid alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and smoking can be causes of varicose veins. Smoking can decrease blood flow while alcohol promotes dilation of blood vessels.

9. Regular exercise
Weight plays an important role in the appearance of varicose veins. Women with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 are three times more likely to develop varicose veins. Monitoring your weight and exercising regularly can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins.

By keeping your body weight to a reasonable level, having a healthy diet and following a regular exercise program, you will be able to minimize the pressure on your veins.

10. Spicy food
Many spices improve blood circulation. Do not be afraid of cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric that improve blood circulation. Add them to your daily meals to have light legs and avoid having varicose veins.
Fight Varicose Veins