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Here Is The Lemon Detox Diet To Lose 4 Lb In 3 Days

Here Is The Lemon Detox Diet To Lose 4 Lb In 3 Days

Purifying one's body from time to time is essential. Beyond the detox effects of this cure, it is important to take pleasure and relax. Boosting good energy during this detox is the goal of this 3-day program dedicated to your well-being and your health that allows you to lose 2 Kg. Follow the instructions of this purification body and find the momentum of energy to which you aspire!

From time to time, we all need a break. The accumulation of toxins, the sedentary lifestyle and the hectic pace of everyday life can influence the performance of our body and the feeling of harmony we feel. In addition, this can lead to weight gain that could easily be avoided. Purify your body of all toxins and finally feel light with this 3-day program that combines lemon water, intermittent fasting and relaxation.

Lemon, allied with detox

The cause of the accumulation of toxins? Excessive sedentary lifestyle and dietary differences To counter this phenomenon, the consumption of lemon water is a suitable remedy, in addition to a healthier lifestyle. According to this study, citrus has protective effects on the liver, an essential organ for filtering waste. Lemon also helps fight against obesity, making it an essential food for the purification of the body.

In addition, lemon water is an ideal remedy if you suffer from slow digestion, especially since toxins accumulate most often in the colon. The high fiber content of citrus helps to improve our digestive abilities.

How? We advise you to buy organic lemons to observe better results. It is ideal to consume this preparation on an empty stomach before each meal or each workout.

Intermittent fasting

As explained by the nutritionist and cardiologist, Dr. Frédéric Saldmann, in an article for Doctissimo, intermittent fasting consists of stopping food for a period of about 12 to 16 hours, while continuing to hydrate (water, herbal teas without sugars ...). For example, if you eat in the evening, you will have to wait until noon before the food resumption. Obviously, it depends on the preferences of everyone and it is possible to fast during the day.

The purpose of this fast is to eliminate toxins and waste from the body while preventing certain diseases and learning to manage the feeling of hunger. At the psychological level, it makes it possible to be reconciled with the food, in particular by rediscovering the pleasure of eating properly.

The 3 Day Detox Program

Day 1 

Start with the lemon water cure. For that, it is enough to squeeze the juice of a lemon and to mix it with a glass of filtered warm water then to consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. To relax on the first day of this detox, we recommend you take a bath and read an inspiring book. Feel free to meditate as long as possible to clear your mind of the anxiety and stress of everyday life. Finally, after a light dinner, stop eating until noon tomorrow.

Day 2

On an empty stomach, drink lemon water and enjoy the fresh air. Walking is excellent for health and is essential for eliminating toxin residues. At lunch time, put on balanced dishes and eat slowly. Avoid throwing yourself on food so as not to disturb your body. In the afternoon, take a bath and exfoliate your skin with olive oil and coarse salt or ground coffee. Relaxation and soft skin guaranteed! Finally, for dinner, opt for a light meal such as soup or salad.

Day 3

On the third day, avoid making sudden movements and give yourself a moment of relaxation. At lunch time, choose fish with vegetables. You can also drink a green juice and eat a half avocado as a snack in the afternoon. Be careful to eat conscientiously and hydrate yourself well. At dinner, a salad of vegetables and quinoa can sustain you. And, to complete this detox cure on a flowery note, put some lavender in a cloth bag and keep it close to you. It will help you relax and enjoy a restful sleep.

During these 3 days, you will have to walk 5 km during the day for optimal results

Caution :
Before starting any detox treatment, it is essential to inform your doctor.

The consumption of lemon is not recommended in case of gastric, biliary or renal disorders.
Detox Diet