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Burn Pounds Of Fat With A Spoon A Day Of This Vinegar And Lemon Elixir

Burn Pounds Of Fat With A Spoon A Day Of This Vinegar And Lemon Elixir

Belly fat, or abdominal fat, depends on hormonal and genetic factors, but can also develop due to poor eating habits, lack of physical activity or high stress levels. But since it surrounds vital internal organs, storing excessive amounts of fat can increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, or even cancer. Getting rid of this fat therefore becomes essential for your good health. To help you, we offer in this article a natural recipe that will reduce your abdominal fat.

Nowadays, people are becoming more and more sedentary. We spend less time walking, taking stairs or exercising. And when we ingest more calories than we burn daily, an energy imbalance causes weight gain.

Also, as we age, our metabolism slows down and our body fat gradually increases. That is, women tend to have a higher percentage of fat than men as they get older. In fact, the distribution of body fat changes during menopause, which leads to an increase in the amount of fat directed to the abdomen.

Why is belly fat dangerous?

If you have excess fat around your waist, you will probably be at greater risk of developing health problems than if it were stored in other parts of your body. In fact, there are three types of fat: triglycerides (the fat that circulates in the blood), subcutaneous fat (the layer directly under the surface of the skin) and visceral fat (belly fat). The latter is located under the muscles of your stomach, it therefore leads to many risks to your health. Because of this, visceral fat can have adverse effects on almost every organ in your body due to the abundant production of hormones and chemicals. An excess of abdominal fat can thus expose you to many health problems such as:
  • Heart attacks and heart disease
  • Strokes
  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Alzheimer's disease

You can determine if you have excess belly fat by simply measuring your waist. Just take a tape measure and wrap it around your belly, making sure the tape is snug but not too tight. For women a measurement of 89 cm or more indicates an excess of abdominal fat. For men the limit is 102 cm.

A natural drink to reduce belly fat

  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • The juice of a lemon, bio
  • 1 teaspoon of honey, organic (for the taste)
  • 1 glass of mineral water


There is nothing more simple ! Mix all the ingredients simultaneously and drink a tablespoon of this remedy morning and night. In addition to a balanced diet and regular physical activity, this mixture will not only get rid of abdominal fat but will also provide many benefits for your health. Know that you can also use this preparation as a seasoning for your salads or fried vegetables.

Why does it work?

Apple cider vinegar: This is the key ingredient of this remedy! In fact, it contains acetic acid, a short chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in the body. However, many studies have shown that this compound helps to promote weight loss by lowering blood sugar levels, stimulating metabolism, reducing the storage of belly fat and liver and increasing the feeling of satiety.

Lemon: Rich in antioxidants and potassium, this citrus is the headliner of slimming foods. The pectin fiber it contains will expand your stomach and keep you full longer. Also, lemon will help you to detoxify your body, reduce your body fat and boost your metabolism.

Apple cider vinegar is not recommended in case of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, colitis ...) and kidney diseases. Apple cider vinegar must imperatively be diluted and consumed in moderation.

Lemon is not recommended for biliary or gastric disorders, stomach ulcers or citrus allergies. Also, excessive consumption of zest can promote the formation of kidney stones.
belly fat