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An Old Lemon Trick To Eliminate All Insects And Your House Will Always Smell Good

An Old Lemon Trick To Eliminate All Insects And Your House Will Always Smell Good

Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches or wasps ... There are a variety of insects but they have one thing in common: they invade your home and garden especially at high temperatures.

If there are chemicals to remove these critters, they are not safe for your health and for the environment as a whole. Chemical insecticides contain toxic molecules that can cause serious illness in users. Cancer, poisoning, decreased immunity, hormonal disorders, are all consequences that these chemicals can have on your health. In addition, despite proven efficacy against insect pests, insecticides pose increased risks to wildlife.

So how do you get rid of those insects that populate your garden preventing you from enjoying it when the weather is nice?

It's simple, prepare a powerful natural insecticide to protect your home while preserving your health and your environment.

You will need:

- 4 glass jars
- Essential oil of cedar wood (10 drops per jar)
- Lavender essential oil (10 drops per jar)
- Essential oil of lemon (10 drops per jar)
- Essential oil of 4 thieves (10 drops per jar)
- 2 organic lemons
- 8 sprigs of rosemary
- Water
- 4 tea lights (floating candles)


- Put two sprigs of rosemary in each glass jar
- Fill each jar with ¾ of water
- Add in each jar the drops of each essential oil
- Add a few slices of organic lemon in each jar
- Fill each jar with water again
- Place a candle on each jar full of water
- Put the pots in the places of your house where you have insects
- Renew the method every day to get rid of insects and enjoy the warm seasons in peace.

The advantages of the ingredients:

Essential oils :
Renowned for keeping insects away, essential oils work effectively to rid your home of these bugs while preserving your health and diffusing a pleasant odor.

Indeed, thanks to the tea lights, the oils will be diffused in the atmosphere and will act directly on the surrounding insects.

The lemon :
Lemon is an excellent repellent against insects and especially against flies, gnats and spiders.

What are the risks due to the presence of insects in our environment?
While some insects pose no danger to humans, others can be extremely dangerous.

- A simple sting or bite can have disastrous effects.

- Many insects have a venom that can cause death in just a few minutes.

But other consequences can be observed:

As we know, mosquitoes feed on blood. If they bite animals or men infected with diseases, they will spread the disease around them.

This is the case of West Nile virus, transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. This virus can in the most serious cases cause brain damage or touch the spinal cord of the individual causing vomiting, a feeling of confusion, a coma and sometimes death.

Malaria is another infection that comes from mosquito bites. Sufferers may experience chills, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. In severe cases, the disease disrupts vital organs and causes respiratory distress, convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Some types of ticks can cause paralysis. Insects suck the blood and can stay on the skin for several days. They cause muscle weakness, disruption of the nervous system and even respiratory problems.

Some flying insects can cause serious problems. These critters suck the blood and release a very dangerous substance. The bite causes itching and swelling of the area but can also block the airways and lower blood pressure involving the vital diagnosis of the person.

Protect yourself !

To protect yourself from dangerous insects, take some preventive measures:

- Make inquiries before traveling to areas or places where you do not know the risks.

- Avoid tight clothes and cover your head when it's hot.

- Use a natural repellent.
Eliminate All Insects