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9 Best Tips From Doctors To Lose Weight Easily

9 Best Tips From Doctors To Lose Weight Easily

The canvas is full of tips and diets to help us lose weight. Between monodines, detox treatments and drastic diet programs, you will find it difficult enough to balance things out to understand what really works. Indeed, each human body is different and what works for some does not necessarily have the same efficiency for others. Thus, it is sometimes better to go back to basics and follow basic rules to find a healthy lifestyle in the long term. Relayed by our Time colleagues, here are 9 expert tips on obesity and weight loss.

Finding the line is not only a physical challenge, it also requires mental strength to transform your diet and move towards healthier options. In addition, it is essential to understand one's body and to inform oneself to obtain concrete results. You will understand, the weight loss is not done on a whim. It is a mature process that requires real and deep self-investment. Thus, it is not enough to deprive yourself drastically for 4 days if you intend to chase excess a week later.

The yo-yo effect we often hear about is not a myth; lack of rigor is a significant obstacle to weight loss. To maintain optimal motivation and achieve lasting results, here are the tips of 9 doctors:

Say stop to sodas - Dr. Dean Schillinger

Rich in "empty" calories, sodas and other sugary soft drinks do not satiate you and push your liver to produce abdominal fat. To avoid the harmful effects, choose natural drinks whose tastes you can vary with different combinations of fruits and vegetables. In one study, sugary drinks have been shown to have no nutritional value and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and dental caries.

Do not Count Calories - Dr. David S. Ludwig

An obsession with your calories is an unhealthy way to lose weight because not all calories are equal. In addition to depriving you, you are likely to forget the quality of your food and be tempted to replace 100 calories of cucumber with 100 calories of fries.

Get back to basics - Dr. Stephen R. Daniels

Do not be fooled by the recipes that abound on the web. Choose a simple and healthy diet combined with regular physical activity.

Have realistic goals - Dr. Jaideep Behari

Each morphology slows differently. Thus, it is essential to aim for a healthy weight, a weight that makes you happy as explained by this expert. Unrealistic expectations and frustration at the lack of results may annihilate your efforts and motivation.

The mind above all - Dr. Michael Jensen

Making the decision to lose weight is a choice that should not be taken lightly. Before starting any transformation on your lifestyle, know that it is crucial to have optimal motivation and that the weight loss is not done in a day. So, you must be ready to find a healthy and balanced diet over the long term.

Do not give up on tasty food - Dr. Susan B. Roberts

There is nothing worse than frustration in dieting. To remedy this, this doctor recommends a balanced diet based on dishes rich in flavors. This will allow you to perceive weight loss as a positive action and will motivate you to be motivated longer.

Surround yourself with people who support you - Dr. Stephen Pont

Do not underestimate the importance of your surroundings during this process. By adopting healthy habits, as a group or as a family, you will be able to encourage each other and thus achieve the desired goals.

Get Informed - Dr. Lawrence J. Appel

In order to improve the quality of your efforts, it is essential to pay attention to the caloric intake of your food. It's not about counting calories at meals but keeping up with the nutritional value of the ingredients you eat. By doing so, you will be better able to create balanced meals that provide you with the nutrients you need while promoting weight loss.

Reduce your portions - Dr. Melinda L. Irwin

Recommended by Dr. Irwin, this very simple but extremely effective trick will help you avoid excess, while eating tasty dishes. The expert advises in particular to use small plates in order to better control the quantities consumed.
Lose Weight Easily