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There Are Only 3 Ways To Lose Weight And 99% Of People Do Not Know It

There Are Only 3 Ways To Lose Weight And 99% Of People Do Not Know It

The search for slimming diets more spectacular than the others has generated this unexpected expectation of falling on the miracle method to melt all its superfluous kilos forever. These techniques will certainly make you lose weight in the short term, but without a significant lifestyle change and a thorough understanding of the elements that promote loss and good health in general, you are likely to restock the pounds. Science sheds light on medically sound ways to lose weight fast.

What mostly eludes people who are keen on sensational new diets is that weight loss requires two very important factors that lie in the consistency of the action and the time. Motivation and patience coupled with healthy habits and a positive attitude are the key words.

This will result in a radical change that will not only drive you to refine but especially to capitalize on your health wealth in the long term.

3 scientifically proven ways to lose weight

Here is a detailed plan for three key components to the success of your project. Once you understand the keys to a healthy and balanced diet in harmony with the real needs of your body, you will easily adopt this lifestyle because you will see the benefits yourself. Remember that it is a long road strewn with small daily efforts and requiring an iron motivation: that of wanting to live better!

I- Be Organized

Have a detailed plan
Planning your meals in advance is crucial in the weight loss process as it limits bad decisions due to lack of organization.

Understand your basic metabolism
Basic metabolism is the minimum energy our body needs to function. It must therefore be taken into account in its weight loss program (there are even dedicated calculation methods).

Identify your daily caloric need
The number of calories you need during the day for weight loss is akin to an exact science and depends on factors such as your current weight, your level of physical activity and your health concerns if there is in a.

Eat in full consciousness
It means chewing slowly, taking the time to savor your meal, preferably without a screen in front of you or distraction to fully enjoy your meal.

II- Take care of your diet

Reduce portions
Drinking a glass of water before and after any meal, preferably served in white and small sized plates and dividing your portions in half will increase your feeling of satiety.

Consume your food intelligently
This implies favoring lean proteins (white fish - chicken breast - hazelnuts - beans ...), increase its consumption of fiber, choose vegetables low in carbohydrates (spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, salad, cucumber, tomatoes ...), to opt for fermented foods (Greek yogurt, pickles, cider vinegar ...) without forgetting of course to permanently stop the soft drinks.

III- Adopt a new lifestyle

Do moderate exercise
Physical activity promotes the burning of calories, stimulating energy levels of the body and maintaining good physical and mental health since it also boosts the brain through the production of endorphins in large quantities.

Opt for weightlifting
Raising weights is great for spending calories, increasing muscle mass and speeding up the basal metabolism, this sport can give very satisfying results when combined with a healthy diet.

Improve the quality of your sleep
Lack of sleep is correlated with obesity as a risk factor according to some scientific studies. A restful sleep is therefore essential to your good health.

Mastering stress management
Stress is an integral part of our life but should not be a barrier to a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is important to be able to let go, delegate or take a break when it becomes necessary.

The process of losing weight is one of the most complex, to get it you are armed with relevant knowledge to maximize your chances of success.

It is very important to consult your doctor before taking any decision affecting your health such as a diet.
3 Ways To Lose Weight And 99% Of People Do Not Know It