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The Diet Of This Famous Doctor Burns 12 Pounds In 21 Days

The Diet Of This Famous Doctor Burns 12 Pounds In 21 Days

Many diets are seeing their success on the web right now with promises of weight loss all more enticing than others. Only these diets rarely take into consideration the health and physical and moral well-being of individuals. Dr. Oz has put together a slimming program that takes care of your body while allowing you to lose up to 6 pounds in 21 days.

Dr. Oz's diet is a way of life. It focuses on a diet devoid of industrial products. Far from being restrictive, this program aims to eliminate excess fat in the body while ensuring an improvement in the health of individuals.

Who is Dr. Oz?

Mehmet Oz is an American surgeon. In 2004, the doctor became known by appearing on the big screen in the famous American show "The Oprah Winfrey Show".

Then, he launches his own TV show "The Dr. Oz Show" which is the big rendez-vous "Health" of Americans. After offering a healthy diet to a few overweight people, patients are surprised to lose up to 5 pounds in just 2 weeks. His success has earned him the covetousness of Weight Watcher to sign a partnership. Dr. Oz believes that having healthy eating habits is the secret to keeping the line all your life.

The principles of the scheme
Dr. Oz's diet is radically opposed to restrictive diets. For him, a diet that works is one where you will not feel hungry. The 21-day program is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. The doctor favors the consumption of plants to benefit from the necessary nutrients and to promote a feeling of satiety that settles in the long term.

Based on the quality of the diet, Dr. Oz advocates the consumption of natural foods such as:

- Non-starchy vegetables at will
- Vegetable proteins (one cup of legumes / 120 grams of vegetable protein)
- Healthy fat (1 avocado in the morning and 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day)
- Fruits (2 per day)
- Nuts and nut butters (in moderate quantity)
- Tea
- Whole seeds (chia, hemp, poppy, flax, etc.) (2 tablespoons daily)

A typical day of this diet:

- Upon awakening: A green tea

- Breakfast: a complete starch + good fats

Example: a wholemeal bread + a few slices of avocado

- Snack: a medium-sized fruit such as an apple or a cup of berries

- Lunch: a source of vegetable protein (tofu, tempeh, lentils, chick peas, etc.) + vegetables at will + 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Example: Varied vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil + lentil steak.

- Snack: a medium leak + a handful of oilseeds (nuts, almonds, pistachios) OR a tablespoon of peanut butter

- Dinner: a source of vegetable protein (tofu, tempeh,, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) + vegetables at will + 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Example: vegetables marinated in olive oil + a bowl of chickpeas

Foods to avoid

Since this program comes from a health plan, Dr. Oz forbids some ingredients and foods:

- Industrial foods
- Sugar and sweeteners
- Food additives

It does not formally prohibit but advises to limit the consumption of animal protein and dairy products to twice a week.

Additional tips:

- Dr. Oz recommends planning meals in advance to avoid the temptation to eat forbidden foods, such as processed foods. Also, it is based on previously prepared meals by formally banishing industrial food.

- Since this program limits foods that are too high in calories, the doctor advises that you do not practice intense physical activity during these 21 days to allow the body not to starve and keep enough energy.

Warnings :
Before starting any slimming diet, it is necessary to take advice from your doctor to avoid any risk to your health.
Diet Of This Famous Doctor Burns 12 Pounds In 21 Days