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An Effective Recipe Based On Lemon To Dissolve Kidney Stones

An Effective Recipe Based On Lemon To Dissolve Kidney Stones

Kidney stones affect nearly 12% of the world's population. Also known as urinary lithiasis, they can be very painful and can hinder the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

This disease results in the formation of small stones in the kidney and their spread into the urinary tract. These calculations come from the accumulation of mineral salts and acid in the urine and affect more men than women. Beyond a certain amount of mineral salts, they begin to crystallize and lead to the formation of kidney stones.

The lifestyle, a key factor to prevent kidney stones:
Several factors favor the appearance of the disease: genetics, obesity, diabetes, chronic urinary tract infections, inflammatory bowel diseases or metabolic diseases.

But lifestyle seems to play a key role in the formation of kidney stones. Indeed, a poor diet, too salty or too rich in sugars can lead to the formation of these small pebbles. In addition, excessive protein consumption can lead to increased calcium, oxalate and uric acid in the urine. Lack of hydration is also involved as well as a sedentary lifestyle that would lead to a loss of bone mass and, as a result, an excess of calcium in the body.

The recipe for lemon juice, olive oil and apple cider vinegar to prevent and reduce kidney stones

Ingredients and preparation:

For this recipe, you will need:
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • The juice of half a lemon of biological origin
  • 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar
  • 350 ml warm water

To prepare this drink, you must mix the water, olive oil, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Then stir the drink well and drink it three times a day for satisfactory results.

Benefits of food:

Extra virgin olive oil:
Rich in fatty acids, olive oil contains linoleic acid, antioxidants such as vitamins E, D and K as well as phytosterols and polyphenols. By consuming this oil, the urinary tract lubricates and facilitates the passage of kidney stones. According to one study, the antioxidant power of olive oil reduces and inhibits the development of urinary stones. Ingestion of this source of healthy fats may be beneficial for the prevention and treatment of symptoms of lithiasis.

Lemon juice contains a high concentration of citric acid. This substance effectively reduces the formation of kidney stones. According to Roger L. Sur, director of the Kidney Stone Treatment Center at the University of San Diego, lemon juice reduces lithiasis. Indeed, an experiment has shown that patients with kidney stones have seen their symptoms decrease by consuming lemon juice diluted with two liters of water every day.

The formation of crystals in the urine comes from the excess of mineral salts, and mainly calcium, in the kidney. However, it has been shown in a second scientific research that consumption of lemon would act effectively to prevent the growth of oxalate crystals in the urine. Indeed, citric acid combined with calcium oxalate prevents the proliferation of crystals responsible for kidney stones.

Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid. According to a scientific study, cider vinegar reduces the risk of recurrence in people who suffer from kidney stones. Indeed, acetic acid can reduce the presence of calcium in the urinary tract. Therefore, it is an effective way to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Some tips to prevent the formation of kidney stones:
Drink enough water: dehydration promotes the crystallization of mineral salts in the urinary tract.

Eat low oxalate foods
- Balance your calcium intake: do not consume too much or not enough.
- Eat foods high in potassium
- Practice regular physical activity

Warnings :
Lemon is not recommended for people who have burns or stomach ulcers, or those with citrus allergy.

If you have diabetes or are taking any medications or diuretics, avoid using apple cider vinegar without asking your doctor's advice.
Lemon To Dissolve Kidney Stones