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Top 5 Fat Burning Foods To Lose Weight Without Doing Any Exercises

Top 5 Fat Burning Foods To Lose Weight Without Doing Any Exercises

Indoor sports are not the only way to lose weight! Indeed, there are foods that can stimulate the burning of belly fat. We propose in this article, the 5 best fat burning foods to help you lose belly effectively.

Living with excess abdominal fat can put you at risk for cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes. In addition, if you find that your waistline is getting bigger, it's partly because of the high amount sugar that you consume on a daily basis, as Zana Morris, nutritionist and author of The High Fat Diet, told THE SUN. Indeed, according to her, insulin is released by the consumption of sugar, prompting the storage of fat. To remedy this problem, we offer 5 super-foods that will allow you to limit the absorption of sugar and fat.

5 Fat burning foods to lose weight

1. Eggs:
Fresh eggs are very rich in protein, fat and low in carbohydrates. Thus, consuming an egg-based breakfast, according to a study published by International Journal of Obesity, would be effective in improving weight loss when included in a low-calorie diet. In addition, another study indicates that the proper concentration of eggs in proteins is the secret of this food to stimulate satiety. In fact, eating eggs would reduce the urge to consume heat meals during the day.

It may seem odd that fatty foods can help reduce your waistline. However, this is possible thanks to their concentration of omega 3, a fatty acid whose supplementation, according to a study, would increase the desire to exercise in people lacking physical activity. In addition, omega 3 also has anti-inflammatory properties, to reduce the level of stress (by controlling cortisol levels). As fatty fish, we can mention salmon, fresh tuna and even sardines.

3. The almonds:
A study showed that eating some almonds as a snack would help increase satiety. In addition, almonds are good sources of fiber that improve the digestion of fat and foods with a high sugar content. In addition, containing omega 3, almonds provide energy to the body, pushing it to provide physical activity.

4. Green tea:
Green tea is the drink par excellence to stimulate the burning of fat. In fact, it contains antioxidants (polyphenols, catechins and flavonoids) that are ideal for preventing cell problems and activating the fat cells' metabolism of the body. So, you can use it as a healthy drink in your slimming diets, it will also allow you to control your glucose intake, lowering your blood sugar levels according to a 2013 study.

5. Lemon:
It is one of the most used citrus fruit to plan effective weight loss diets. Its rich vitamin C allows it to strengthen the functioning of the immune system and rid the body of toxins accumulated in the intestine. In addition, according to a study, a diet rich in vitamin C with regular exercise would burn 30% of body fat. Thus, the citrus fibers ensure good digestion and promote good satiety.

Ultimately, for these foods to be effective, you will need to adopt a healthier lifestyle with quality nutrition, proper hydration and regular exercise to keep the body active.

Warnings :

- People with high cholesterol should limit their egg consumption.

- Lemon is not recommended for people suffering from heartburn and stomach ulcers.