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Here's How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones Just With Lemon

Here's How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones Just With Lemon

10% of the population is confronted with a problem of kidney stones: a painful urinary disorder affecting individuals from the age of 40 with a greater proportion of manifestations in men than women.

Kidney stones are often referred to as small stones lodged in the kidneys. This is the formation of hard crystals in the kidneys or the rest of the urinary tract such as the bladder or ureters and which doctors call urolithiasis.

Most of these crystals are systematically eliminated through the ducts of the urinary system. But the ureters linking the kidneys and bladder are small ducts. Thus the passage of crystals, the size of which can vary between a few millimeters and several centimeters in diameter, can lead to pain by obstructing a ureter. This is called renal colic.

Kidney stones are the result of the crystallization of mineral salts and acids in high concentration. There are, however, different types of calculations:

- Calculations from a calcium concentration: this is the most common case. Calculations are made from calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate or a mixture of both. This crystallization is the result of a lack of hydration, excess of vitamin D, certain medicinal treatments or a diet rich in calcium oxalate. You can find attached a list of foods that contain plenty of them.

- Calculations resulting from a concentration of struvite which is a mineral of the phosphate family. This type of calculation is related to chronic urinary tract infections or bacterial infections.

- Calculation from a uric acid concentration: This type of calculus may appear after an infection, although people with chemotherapy or gout are more likely to experience it.

- Calculations resulting from a concentration of cystine: these stones are most often of hereditary origin and are manifested from childhood. They are caused by a large production of cystine, very slightly soluble in the urine.

We can observe the presence of a calculation at the very moment when it is urinated. Otherwise, other symptoms such as the presence of blood in the urine, a sharp pain in the lower back (in the lumbar vertebrae) or in a rarer case anuria, which means a lack of urine in people with single kidney since the calculus blocks the urethra.

Natural alternatives can overcome this inconvenience and can be cited in this case that of lemon water.

Lemon water for the prevention of kidney stones

According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, lemon contains citric acid that is effective in preventing kidney stones. In addition, the citrate present in lemon acts as a protective element that prevents calcium from crystallizing thereby causing kidney stones.

Lemon water is a very good alternative for people with kidney stones. According to one study, this beverage has a dual function: hydration and elimination of stones. Thus, to overcome the excess of mineral salts which causes it, it is necessary to urinate 2 l of water per day which amounts to drinking more than 2l per day.

Dr. Eisner of Harvard Medical School said that consuming half a glass of lemon juice diluted in water could prevent and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.


For this you need:
  • 2 lemon, preferably organic
  • 2 L of water

Wash and squeeze the lemons in the water and keep this recipe cool. You can add a little honey and use it as a lemonade to hydrate you in summer or accompany your dishes.


It is not recommended to take lemon in case of burns or stomach ulcers, and in case of citrus allergies. Also, it is recommended not to brush your teeth, just after consuming lemon juice, so as not to damage tooth enamel.
How To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones