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10 Signs That Your Body Is Dehydrated And You May Become Ill

10 Signs That Your Body Is Dehydrated And You May Become Ill

It is not enough to say that water is an essential good for the proper functioning of our body: in a newborn for example, water represents up to 93% of its weight! whereas in the case of individuals suffering from a serious dysfunction of their organism such as obese persons, this ratio can fall in some cases up to 15% of water. It is obvious that if Mother Nature has given us such an element, we must do everything to maintain her balance.

If water is as important to our body, it is because it is present in each of our cells. Indeed, it provides several vital functions for the functioning of our system: lubricates the joints and eyes, carries nutrients, helps to facilitate intestinal transit ... the loss of body water automatically impacts the proper functioning of all organs.

Fortunately, this loss of water is not done in a silent way, our body sends us several alerts announcing a possible dehydration. Our body can tolerate a water loss limited between 3 and 5% without problem. From 5 to 8%, the subject may experience fatigue and vertigo, while beyond 10%, the body can suffer serious damage accompanied by hallucinations. It is therefore important to recognize these messages sent by our body to take the lead. The main signs to watch for are:

One of the first signs of dehydration is headache and dizziness. These two symptoms are due to the decrease in the amount of fluid surrounding the brain and also to a reduction in the amount of oxygen received. A study has corroborated this state of affairs and has shown that lack of water in the body plays a role in migraine and allow its continuation.

Mood and memory
The brain is 90% water, dehydration leads to memory loss and mood swings. It can also affect the size of the cerebral cortex.

Mouth and breath
Proper water intake helps to maintain saliva production and therefore prevents uncontrolled spread of bacteria responsible for the smell of the mouth. This lack of saliva is also behind drying of the mouth.

Digestive system and constipation
The lack of water directly impacts the drying digestive tract and thus becomes fertile ground for the various bacteria. Stool also becomes harder and constipation acute. One study even established a direct link between decreased water consumption and constipation.

An abnormal feeling of hunger
A dehydrated body sends many signals to the brain. Among these, an acute thirst can generate an alert suggesting hunger that the body will send to the brain.

The frequency with which you urinate is a major indicator of the level of your hydration: if your frequency drops significantly or the color of your urine changes, it is probably a problem of hydration. The darker your urine, the more the risk increases.

Muscle and articulation
Cartilage and joints are among the parts of the body that depend the most on water because they consist of almost 80% of this element. A dehydration of the body has a direct effect on their proper functioning: the liquid in the joints helps to lubricate the movement of the bones, but when it drops, the friction creates an unbearable pain. Cramps are also associated with a significant loss of this fluid.

A study has shown that a 2% drop in the amount of water in the body is enough to observe abnormal fatigue on the subjects studied.

The kidney is an essential organ that can filter all liquids and extract the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. However, prolonged dehydration will have a direct impact on its functioning and may lead to the formation of kidney stones.

We tend to forget it, but the skin is the largest organ of the body, so it needs a permanent supply of water. Dried skin or skin that does not sweat much, dry lips or more wrinkles are all indicators of a lack of water. A 2015 study, established a direct link between water consumption and good skin health, and especially to fight wrinkles. Instead of focusing on the use of moisturizing creams, it's better to think of hydration from the inside.

Tips and tricks to stay hydrated
People who do not have a problem with ulcers or heartburn can add the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey in their bottle of mineral water. So his taste will be more pleasant and will encourage more drinking during the day.

Just as it is advisable to drink a large glass of water in the morning when you wake up to purify your body.
Signs That Your Body Is Dehydrated