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A Doctor Explains How To Lose Weight With The Famous 5: 2

A Doctor Explains How To Lose Weight With The Famous 5: 2

We spend a lot of our time looking for ways to lose weight, not knowing where to head between diets and sports exercises. Some are moderately effective when others are particularly restrictive and lead to weight recovery over the long term. The 5: 2 diet is a diet based on ancestral practice, the virtues of which have been underpinned by modern science through the book of Dr. Michelle Harvie, a specialist in dietetics and Pr. Tony Howell, oncologist: 2 days of detox, 5 days of pleasure.

The 5: 2 diet is a diet that is based on the health and slimming benefits of intermittent fasting. This is a caloric restriction for two consecutive days with a healthy diet during the remaining 5 days of the week. Among its benefits:

-  Weight loss
-  Regulation of the level of sugar in the blood
-  Improvement of human metabolism
- The preservation of intestinal flora, and therefore better absorption of nutrients

Our ancestors used to feed on a meal, depending on the abundance of game. During the days of famine, the quantities of food were also reduced. They used to spend energy in the fields and hunting. While nowadays we do not need to make as much effort to fetch our food, and eat even more than before. The intermittent diet will allow you to regulate your appetite and to avoid your body stress resulting from a daily calorie restriction. Such a restriction leads to weight gain later on and affects your morale, causing you to weaken easily in the face of high calorie foods.

What is the instruction?
For the 2 days of fasting, it is a fast of 12h. The last meal must be taken before 21h and the second meal after noon. Your calorie intake should be reduced to almost 75% of your daily calorie intake. Here is a typical example of a day of intermittent fasting:

Lunch Afternoon: Cucumber salad, avocado and tomato seasoned with walnut oil, 150 g of baked chicken breast and 75 g of cottage cheese.

Snack around 4pm: seasonal fruit (80 g), a cup of green tea

Dinner before 8pm: vegetable soup, 150 g of steamed lean fish, Greek yogurt.

For other days of the week, it is sufficient to have a healthy and varied diet based on protein and fiber. It is also advisable to take inspiration from the Mediterranean diet. During fasting days, it is very important to have good salt intake because of the more frequent urinary losses (which can lead to migraines) and to hydrate you sufficiently. The water will help speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight, as well as a sense of satiety.

Some tips to succeed on your diet 5: 2
Start by calculating your BMI (Body Mass Index) first: this will help you determine if you are overweight. It is only from a BMI of 25 that you really need this diet.

A two is easier: find another person to accompany you, intermittent fasting two will allow you to support each other.

Pay attention to the nutritional labels: Not to exceed the number of calories you are supposed to take during a day of fasting. If the label is not available, the web can give you a multitude of mobile applications to help you.

Prepare your meal in advance: The day of your fast, it is better to prepare your dishes well in advance to be sure to have the nutrients you need when the time comes.

Note your weight every 5 days: it is even more motivating to see the evolution of his weight loss.

The 5: 2 diet is not recommended for adolescents, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Researchers have also warned that it is not suitable for people with depression, eating disorders and kidney disease.

Remember that it is essential to consult a medical opinion to assess your health before starting a diet.
Lose Weight With The Famous 5: 2