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6 Best Exercises To Naturally Reduce Belly Fat And Lose Weight At Home

6 Best Exercises To Naturally Reduce Belly Fat And Lose Weight At Home

6 Best Exercises To Naturally Reduce Belly Fat

Belly fat is now the concern of many people. A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet or stress are the main causes of this problem. In this article, we will share with you 6 exercises that you can do at home to naturally reduce belly fat. But do not forget that a healthy diet, a good night's sleep and good hydration are essential to the success of this challenge.

Measuring your waist is a simple way to find out if you have too much belly fat. According to a report from the World Health Organization, women whose waist circumference is greater than 88 centimeters or men whose waist circumference is greater than 102 centimeters suffer from obesity and may be at greater risk of illness. high. Do not hesitate to talk with your doctor about excess belly fat and its health risks.

It's time to move!
This workout routine includes bodybuilding, cladding and other yoga poses. They all aim to reduce belly fat and strengthen your body. You must do this workout three times a week and for best results, walk, jump rope or swim. The good news is that you do not need to become a member of a gym club because you can do these movements at home. So, if you're interested, scroll through the list of effective belly exercises to sculpt and create a nice, well-drawn belly.

1. The bike
Lie on the floor by lifting your shoulders behind your head and bringing your elbows to your knees in a bicycle motion. It is a vital exercise for burning belly fat as it requires deep abdominal stabilization and rotation.

2. The twist crunch
Sit on the floor with your knees bent, pull your abs towards your spine and lean back a few inches while lifting your feet off the ground. Make sure you keep your back straight. Cross your arms in front of you and turn your torso to the right, then to the left, repeating for a minute. Lower your heels to the ground if you need them.

3. The Captain's Chair
Sit on a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the floor. With both hands, lift your legs by bending your knees.

4. The oblique crunch
This exercise is part of the bodybuilding movements that strengthen the abdominal belt including obliques. Lie on the floor with your knees and arms as shown in the photo, then lift your torso by touching your right knee with your left elbow. Make repetitive series for the right side then the left side.

5. The butterfly crunch
Lie back with your back and shoulders flat on the floor, then glue the soles of your feet together, then bend your knees outward like a butterfly. This exercise strengthens both the belly part and the pelvis!

6. The Plunk
The board is an essential exercise to lose belly. If you have trouble keeping your arms straight, try this exercise on your forearms. Be sure to keep your elbows and shoulders on the same line and then keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height.

6 Best Exercises To Naturally Reduce Belly Fat

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