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Health Experts Share 3 Simple Rules To Lose Weight Quickly And Sustainably

Health Experts Share 3 Simple Rules To Lose Weight Quickly And Sustainably

Many of us face considerable challenges when it comes to losing weight. By following a draconian program with a severe diet or by chaining hours of physical exercise without conclusive results, discouragement is felt. Follow these 3 simple steps inspired by the work of the College of Nutritionists of Madrid to get there smoothly.

Through a simple understanding of the mechanisms of the human body, it is possible to control the process of loss of weight while avoiding the frustration associated with drastic measures. Gently but surely, you will then be able to reach your weight loss goals and consolidate the results.

This program includes 3 different processes:

- Gradual reduction of your appetite
- Effective weight loss without deprivation or starvation
- Improving your metabolism

Thus, these are 3 steps to follow:

Reducing the amounts of sugar and starchy foods
This step is no longer a secret for anyone wishing to lose weight. Gradually reducing the amount of sugar and starchy foods you consume will reduce your appetite and cause you to consume less food during a meal. This will push your body to use the level of lipids and sugars stored in your body to draw the energy it needs.

Consume protein, good fats and vegetables
Your dishes must be balanced. They must contain a portion of protein, a source of good fats and vegetables low in carbohydrates. Consuming protein gives you more satiety and encourages you to eat less. You will be able to use white meats (poultry, fish) or eggs.

In addition, vegetables are high in fiber, giving you even more satiety.

List of vegetables low in carbohydrates to consume:
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Spinach
  • tomatoes
  • Cauliflower Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumber

For sources of fat that you can use for cooking, it is better to focus on: olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.

Lift weights 3 times a week
There is no miracle solution to lose weight instantly, it takes perseverance and a large dose of motivation. Following the first two steps is enough to lose weight because it is a food rebalancing. But if you want to speed up the procedure, you have to go through physical exercise. Three sessions a week of 30 minutes each are recommended. If you're not used to gyms, you can ask a coach to guide you for your first steps. Start with warm-ups and choose weights to lift gradually, starting with the lighter to the heavier ones once you're ready. This will lower your body fat, keep your body healthy, and increase your physical stamina.

If lifting weights is not really appropriate in your case, you can turn to other types of exercise such as cycling, cardio or aerobics. If your schedule does not allow you to go to the gym, you can still plan a 30-minute walk each day. You can exploit them by walking to work or shopping at night.

Do not forget to hydrate yourself before and after exercise, as well as to make sure to rest your body by massaging the most exploited zones during your training to avoid cramps.
Lose Weight Quickly And Sustainably