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How To Lose Weight Based On Your Height And Age

How To Lose Weight Based On Your Height And Age

Metabolism is a unique and unique tool for each of us. It determines our corpulence, our biological rhythm of sleep, the speed of aging of our cells, but also the way in which our body burns or assimilates the calories that we ingest every day.

To slim down, it is necessary to know how much energy our body needs to function well according to several factors, but also what would be the best alternative to lose weight without subjecting our body to an irreversible shock.

What is basic metabolism?

Basic metabolism determines the energy needs your body needs to function optimally. It is the metabolism that is responsible for converting the food that is consumed in energy and storing or not fat on the body. But know that metabolism occurs even when you are at rest. Thus, your body constantly needs energy to breathe, sleep, think or dream. He also needs energy to perform the physical functions of blood circulation, hormone regulation and cell repair.

Basic metabolism and caloric requirements:
We often hear some women complain: "In my family, we tend to grow more easily", "My metabolism is much too slow" or "Every time I eat fat, my body stores the surplus and I get fat" .

There are indeed factors that slow down the metabolism such as thyroid, genetics, hormones but also diet and lifestyle in general. That said, it is commonly accepted that men and women do not have the same caloric needs. An inactive man would need to consume 2100 calories daily while an inactive woman would need to ingest 1800 calories a day just to fulfill their vital functions.

A method to calculate your metabolism
While it is commonly prescribed to consume a certain number of calories according to the gender of the person, this method seems completely false. Beyond gender, nuances are needed to assess each person's calorie needs.

The factors that determine the basic metabolism are:

- Age
Young people have more muscles than older people. As you get older, fat is easier to settle on the body at the expense of muscle mass.

- Size
Tall people burn more calories at meals than those who are small or medium in size.

- Gender
It is estimated that men have more muscle mass than women. Hence the fact that men require a daily caloric quota higher than women because they burn much more energy at meals.

- The weight
According to genetics, the body of each human being is regulated in a natural way to respond to mechanisms of functioning of different organs and adopt a weight predefined by nature.

Slow down with the Mifflin St Jeor equation:
These factors have made it possible to set up a very effective method for evaluating basal metabolism. Entitled equation Mifflin St Jeor, this technique is obtained by the following calculation:

For a man: without sports activity 10 x weight (in kilograms) + 6.25 x height (in centimeters) - 5 x age (in years) + 5

For a woman: 10 x the weight (in kilograms) + 6.25 x the height (in centimeters) - 5 x the age (in years) - 161

By measuring your basal metabolism rate, you can achieve your goals of weight loss or weight gain without hindering your health.

You understand that your basic metabolism predestines the optimal functioning of all of your vital functions. Instead of trying to reduce calories or wacky diets, increase your metabolic rate to slim down effectively without compromising your health.

- Play sports, especially bodybuilding
Since muscle mass burns more calories than fat, go for an activity that combines cardio and strength training. Just as aerobic exercise would lead to weight loss for both men and women, according to a study published in the journal HHS Public Access.

- Favor healthy meals while eating to your heart's content
If diets often lead to the famous YOYO effect, it's because you reduce your calories to force your body to draw on its muscle reserves! You should never consume less than the calories needed for your basal metabolism. You can opt for a homemade pizza with buckwheat, spinach, turkey ham and homemade sauce instead of a pizza stuffed with additives you do not even know about. Some sugars and fats are stored as fat and cellulite while others benefit your body by giving it energy!

- Escape the stress
Stress makes you fat, it's well known. In times of stress, your body is disrupted and does not perceive in the right way the signals of hunger and satiety that the brain communicates to you. According to a study published in the Springer Journal, stress plays a role in maintaining obesity in people who are sensitive to glucocorticoids (cortisone and cortisol, hormones that increase or decrease with stress, depending on the person)

Stop mulling and go out! Take some fresh air, do yoga, walk and escape the negative waves as much as possible. Your body will thank you for it.