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This Lemon-ginger Juice Composed Of 6 Ingredients Flush Toxins From The Body And Burn Fat

This Lemon-ginger Juice Composed Of 6 Ingredients Flush Toxins From The Body And Burn Fat

To enjoy good health, it is crucial to take care of your liver. However, due to a lack of activity, an unhealthy diet (low in nutrients), pollution or the consumption of alcoholic beverages, toxins can accumulate in the body limiting liver function. Therefore, you will have to detox your time and, in this regard, we offer you a delicious lemon juice based on 5 other natural foods. Zoom on this recipe!

When your liver fails, it can no longer ensure liver function to neutralize the actions of toxins and degrade substances toxic to the body. Indeed, these will prevent the normal functioning of other cells in the body, resulting in fatigue, lack of appetite and many other ailments. In addition, your liver will no longer stimulate the secretion of bile to improve digestion, which will cause bloating, stomach pain and constipation.

Lemon-ginger and beetroot juice: the return to a stable health

If you want this natural juice to fulfill all its promises by cleansing your liver, you will need to maintain a healthy diet, rich in antioxidants, protein and ensure proper hydration to the body, not to mention regular physical activity to hold your body. body awake.

  • Half a lemon
  • 6 cabbage leaves
  • 3 peeled carrots
  • 1 peeled beet
  • 2 apples cut into pieces
  • 2.5 cm of ginger root
  • 2 cups of water
Make sure the ingredients are organic and well cleaned.


- Pour 2 cups of water into your blender and add the lemon juice and other ingredients. Do not forget to filter the mixture obtained to collect the juice.

- You can serve your drink with ice to keep it fresh.

You are probably wondering how this juice made from fruits and vegetables is effective for cleansing your liver. Here are some reasons:

1- Beets:
Beets are known to be very rich in vitamin A (beta carotene), flavonoids and betaine. Thus, it is thanks to this last nutrient, combined with the methionine, that the beet makes it possible to clean the liver. In addition, an in vivo study determined that beetroot extract would improve liver injury in rats.

2- Apple:
Apples contain pectin, a substance responsible for expelling toxins from the digestive tract and improving liver function.

3- Carrots:
Carrots are rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene) and flavonoids very effective to stop the action of free radicals by renewing the cells of the body.

4- Cabbage:
Whether in juice, cooked or raw, consuming this excellent vegetable remains a powerful remedy for cleansing your liver. Indeed, cabbage is one of those vegetables containing plant chlorophyll that eject toxins stored in the body.

5- Ginger root:
Ginger stimulates the secretion of bile and certain digestive enzymes that can effectively treat digestive disorders such as constipation, bloating. Also, it helps relieve inflammation such as arthritis and diabetes. In addition, one study concluded that ginger supplementation would reduce non-alcoholic liver damage.

6- Lemons:
Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits as a healthy drink. Its concentration of Vitamin C, allows it to boost the immune system against attacks by pathogens and protect the liver against lesions.

Caution :
If you have an ulcer or heartburn, do not consume this drink.
Lemon-ginger Juice Composed