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This Lemon Remedy Activates Fat Burning And Weight Loss

This Lemon Remedy Activates Fat Burning And Weight Loss

Overweight people unfortunately do not always find the right remedies to lose weight effectively. In this article, we offer a remedy based on lemon and cinnamon, ingredients recognized as slimming allies.

A person is said to be overweight when his BMI (Body Mass Index is calculated as the ratio of a person's weight to the square of his or her height) is greater than 25 and obese when it exceeds 30. According to WHO even if there is a difference between overweight and obesity, both cases are characterized by an exaggerated or abnormal accumulation of fats in the body endangering the health of the patient, because the exposure to many diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or bone diseases.

Causes of obesity:
The most known and cited causes of this chronic illness are usually poor diet and lack of physical activity (the number of calories received by the diet is greater than the amount of calories burned). However, we must not neglect the negative impact of genetics on weight gain, lack of sleep, stress, taking certain drugs, some viruses and according to recent studies, the bacterial composition of the intestinal flora.

An effective and delicious anti-obesity remedy:
The effectiveness of this remedy lies in the combination of honey, lemon and cinnamon, ingredients known for their excellent therapeutic, microbial, antiviral and to facilitate the process of weight loss.

Why these ingredients work:

Lemon :
Lemon is one of the most famous citrus juicers for its effective contribution to the weight loss process. Indeed, according to a study of overweight Korean women, it appears that the use of lemon juice in a low calorie diet is beneficial to reduce fat. In addition, it recognizes the ability to limit the number of calories ingested by stimulating satiety thanks to its abundance of fiber. In addition, because of its high vitamin C content, it is often used to stimulate immune defense against parasites and pathogens.

To facilitate your digestion, you can opt for this spice, which facilitates the absorption of nutrients from food consumption and intervenes in slowing down the degradation of carbohydrates. In addition, cinnamon allows, according to the results of a study of 2017, to activate thermogenesis under the effect of the cinnamaldehyde compound. Thus, this will cause the burning of excessively accumulated fat and subsequently a feeling of satiety.

According to a 2011 study, replacing sucrose with honey helps reduce weight gain. In addition, according to another study, if honey can stimulate satiety, it is thanks to its ability to activate the hormones involved in the reduction of appetite. Several studies have shown that people who eat honey instead of sugar, see their blood sugar levels stabilize and even drop.

How to prepare the remedy:

  • 1 glass of warm water
  • Juice of half a biological lemon
  • Half a teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon
  • A teaspoon of pure honey


Add in a glass cinnamon, lemon juice and honey. Mix everything then add the warm water and continue to mix so that the paste obtained previously dissolves in the water.

Drink this natural remedy on an empty stomach once a day, preferably in the morning.

Caution :
Do not use cassia cinnamon because according to a study by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, the amount of coumarin present in this spice would be dangerous for the liver. In addition, if you are allergic to ingredients or if you have gastric ulcer, avoid this remedy.

This drink is not intended to replace or cancel any medical remedy. It would be advisable to have the opinion of a doctor to evaluate your state of health before starting this natural cure.
Fat Burning