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The 5 Most Maniac Zodiac Signs According To Astrology

The 5 Most Maniac Zodiac Signs According To Astrology

We all have in our entourage a person with a storage neurosis. It constantly pests dirt and is deeply convinced that it is threatened by germs and other bacteria. This obsession can be infernal for others, considered negligent by the compulsive cleaner. According to astrology, five zodiac signs are likely to feed this anxiety. Do you recognize yourself in this description? We tell you more in our astro point.

While some may be unkempt about the cleanliness of their environment, maniacs make it a real priority. Constantly concerned about the appearance of their interior, they spend most of their time polishing, sweeping, cleaning. Often, this behavior reflects a deeper anxiety about the order of obsessive compulsive disorder. Who are these storage maniacs? Astrology has identified five signs that may suffer from this neurosis.

Virgo (23 August-22 September)
The natives of this sign are literally obsessed by keeping lists of all kinds. Whether it is the tasks to be performed or their budget, they make a point of honor to write everything down. This gives them the impression of being more organized even if this habit is more time consuming than effective. The Virgin are also anxious about the arrangement of their objects. These must always be arranged in a carefully established order by those obsessed with control. No need to offer them a hand, the natives of this sign hate to delegate. Nothing must escape their inquisitive eye on the lookout for the least dirt. If they do not learn to let go of the ballast, their relatives will eventually get away.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
You will never see Sagittarius without a hand gel. In transport, at work, at home, they will very regularly make sure to be safe from germs, a real obsession for the natives of this sign. They will go out regularly on the hunt for dust, armed with their broom and their cleaning products. Spring cleaning? Too little for them. Once a week, they will move all the furniture to make a clean space. Anxious about the eyes of others, just a note on their interior decoration to rethink the entire layout of their space. Anxiously sick, they will be taken real compulsions to verify that their objects are in their place. Not content to be real storage maniacs, they will take pleasure in tanning all those who do not share their obsessions.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The natives of this sign will devote a real cult to the holding of their interior. Obsessed with cleanliness, they will stalk their surfaces constantly for less dirt. Always armed with their feather duster, they will check the nooks and crannies, as obsessed, several times a day. Sorting the books in alphabetical order, aligning the tables, cleaning the sink, as many daily tasks that punctuate the life of the natives of this sign. It would be unfortunate for them to fall prey to a careless person. The relationship could be seriously affected.

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Attention to the detail of the natives of this sign is undoubtedly the most increased. Ranger is like an outlet for them. The more nervous they are, the more they will go into a crazy frenzy of storage. Cleaning their interior allows them to purge the anguish that often petrifies them. If you catch them busy frantically, it's because they're probably in doubt. These maniacs will invest huge amounts in state-of-the-art storage gadgets. Do not forget to leave crumbs on the tablecloth, the natives of the sign of Fire will go into a mad rage.
Maniac Zodiac Signs