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9 Out Of 10 People Make This Mistake When They Consume Lemon Water

9 Out Of 10 People Make This Mistake When They Consume Lemon Water

Lemon is a fruit known for its many virtues across the globe, mainly for its detox and slimming properties. Nutritionists and dieticians advise a cure with lemon water to better enjoy all the benefits of this citrus. But many of you make common mistakes by taking a cure with lemon water, here they are!

Lemon water is a simple recipe based on mixing a volume of water and lemon juice. Tastes differ and everyone can match it to their preferences by adding honey or mint. It contains all the benefits of lemon.

Lemon is an important source of fiber, the best known of which is pectin. It helps maintain the state of your intestinal flora. This preservation allows better absorption of nutrients, the activation of lipid metabolism in addition to promoting the synthesis of intestinal hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive organs.

Its tangy taste and freshness encourage you to hydrate more. Sufficient hydration protects your kidneys, thus preserving one of the most important emunctory organs (which eject toxins out of your body) from your body. Lemon water is an important source of electrolytes, including sodium and magnesium. When the level of these drops, it causes heart palpitations, muscle cramps, confusion and headaches.

The drop in electrolyte level is common when the body is led to evacuate sweat especially during heat and after physical exercise. An additional reason to use it as a refreshing drink during this summer period.

Lemon is an important source of vitamin C. It can cover your daily needs of this vitamin up to 74%. This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of cortisol, commonly called stress hormone, which helps our body to adapt to the latter. This vitamin also helps to strengthen your immune system and effectively fight against pathologies resulting from viral infections such as colds, pneumonia or diarrhea.

Regular consumption of lemon water will give you healthy skin and a good-looking effect because the abundance of lemon vitamin C promotes the creation of collagen, necessary for the elasticity of your skin.

The mistakes you make when you drink lemon water

- Most people who want to prepare lemon water proceed by mixing lemon juice with a volume of water. By doing so, they forget a significant part of the benefits of lemon that are concentrated in its bark. Take care to grate your lemon to remove the zest, then squeeze it into juice to mix everything with water.

- To wash your teeth just after drinking lemon water: this can damage the enamel of your teeth, it is better to wait about twenty minutes to allow your teeth to reconstitute their mineral layer before proceeding to the brushing. So, to enjoy the benefits of this refreshing drink, you can consume it with a straw.
- To consume excessively: the use of lemon water must be made either in the form of short-term cure or a non-daily consumption in the long term. It must still be consumed in moderation.

Preparation of lemon water:

- 2 lemons, organic
- 1 L of water
- some mint leaves, organic

For this, squeeze the juice of the two lemons, grated them to reap the zest. Subsequently, mix everything with the volume of water and add mint for a flavored note. You can use a teaspoon of honey to sweeten your drink.

Caution :
It is not recommended to take lemon in case of burns or stomach ulcers, and in case of citrus allergies.
Mistake When They Consume Lemon Water