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5 Reasons Why 95% Of People Can Not Lose Weight

5 Reasons Why 95% Of People Can Not Lose Weight

Have you tried unsuccessfully all diets promising miracles without any success? Even the most popular ones excluding foods such as sugar, gluten, carbohydrates or proteins? If you're tired of tasteless soups and detox infusions galore and want to boost your chances of losing weight, we explain in detail some mistakes made by 95% of people according to the college of nutritionists of St. Petersburg.

You have poor sleep
A disturbed or interrupted sleep can have a great impact on your health and cause extreme tiredness and even heart trouble. In addition, lack of sleep can directly impact your weight, make it difficult to burn fat and greatly increase the risk of obesity, as a study on the subject shows.

It is recommended to: Improve your nighttime routine Improve the quality of your sleep through regular exercise during the day. Fix a precise and unchanged bedtime and practice a relaxation ritual before sleeping.

You do not use cutlery to eat
According to Dr. Zane Andrews, professor of physiology and neuroscientist at Monash University, the feeling of satiety is only communicated to the brain 20 minutes after eating a meal. But sometimes the hunger is such that all food is swallowed at light speed without your brain realizing that you are feeding yourself too much.

It is recommended to: carefully cut out all your dishes which minimizes your mouthfuls and allows you to breathe better between each of them. It is also advisable to take the time to chew your food for better digestion.

You do not drink enough water
Water is a true slimming ally to introduce into your weight loss process! A study has indeed highlighted the truth of this fact by explaining its impact on the reduction of body fat through two essential mechanisms that occur when the body is well hydrated: the decline in appetite and increased lipolysis (destruction of fats).

It is recommended to: Enjoy the innumerable virtues of water by having a drink before each meal. Also, it is advisable to prefer water to any other liquid. You should see change as soon as it is well integrated into your routine.

You are too adept at detox diets
The detoxification juices that have the wind in their sails are certainly interesting to detoxify the body but can not be adopted alone as the sole source of food. And for good reason, with this kind of diet you lose more water and muscle mass than fat. Research has also indicated that no randomized controlled trials have been conducted to concretely assess the effectiveness of these detox diets.

It is recommended to: favor whole fruits and vegetables rather than juice because they contain much less fiber that is essential for a good digestive process.

You count the calories
Even though calories are labeled and generally populated on the web, it's hard to tell exactly how many calories your body has digested. It is therefore not obvious, even with a regular count of calories to accurately determine how many of them have been burned by your body. In addition, a study showed that reducing caloric intake was not necessarily conducive to weight loss.

It is recommended to: Pay more attention to the nutritional value of your foods rather than their caloric intake.
Reasons Why 95% Of People Can Not Lose Weight