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Scientists Explain 5 Things That Cause Swollen Legs (And How To Fix It With Lemon)

Scientists Explain 5 Things That Cause Swollen Legs (And How To Fix It With Lemon)

There are several reasons why you suffer from painfully swollen feet: pregnancy, fluid retention, overweight, high blood pressure, an injury ... Swelling may also be indicative of other problems related to heart, liver or kidneys. But unless it is symptomatic of more serious problems (consult your doctor is recommended if in doubt), this is usually of no consequence and should not worry more than that. We offer some remedies to try at home to relieve your swollen feet.

1- Rock salt
Rock salt is especially recommended to incorporate into your foot baths for its relieving effect on edema and swelling. This pure form of mineral component would be known for its many benefits in reducing body swelling. In addition, researchers at the University of Manchester have shown that salt baths can reduce inflammation.

To do this, prepare in a basin of warm water and add large pieces of rock salt, then soak your feet in this mixture for about twenty minutes and you will already feel better.

2- Grapefruit essential oil
Add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil in a basin of warm water for your feet or transfer them directly on top for an applied massage that will allow you to effectively soothe their swelling.

Their action is due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of this citrus fruit you will quickly appreciate the results after some time of use. Grapefruit essential oil acts to activate the lymphatic system by allowing detoxification.

3- Cucumber water and lemon
High fluid intake helps to dilute salt levels in the body, which is why it is strongly recommended that you hydrate permanently.

If in addition we add lemon and cucumber slices to the fresh water, we are certain to combine the benefits of both to get rid of a significant water retention and actively fight against the swelling of the feet and legs. . In the case of edema, a minimum of two liters of water a day is required.

4- Watermelon
Like many other foods known for their diuretic qualities (artichoke, green tea, asparagus, tomato, parsley ...), watermelon is excellent to stimulate urination and release toxins from the body because of 92% water. Impacting the degree of swelling of the feet by lowering the water retention rate thanks to the potassium content of this fruit.

This restores the balance within the system and facilitates the water exchanges between the many parts of the body. Summer is the perfect season to savor as it also has an instant refreshing effect.

5- Coriander seeds
Coriander seeds are widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for their depurative, antioxidant, diuretic, stimulant and antiseptic properties. They are as much appreciated for their medicinal virtues as for their exotic contribution in cooking.

It's possible to incorporate them into your eating routine by adding 3 teaspoons of coriander seeds in water and then boiling until the water is reduced by half. You can then consume the mixture up to twice a day after filtering and cooling.

Other practical tips:

Massage your feet
The foot massage (preferably done by a professional) allows a clear improvement of the blood circulation by promoting the excessive drainage of the fluids. At home, you can massage them with essential oils (chamomile, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass, cypress ...) for a quarter of an hour with a focus on the most swollen areas.

Elevate your legs
Gravity can become a disabling factor for people with foot swelling. The best way is to get in the habit of raising the legs above the level of the heart several times a day to actively act on the swelling.

Avoid salty foods
Too much salt in the body means that the amount of sodium in the body increases, which disrupts the human body by causing a significant increase in the rate of total blood volume, which automatically result in body swelling. It is therefore more than recommended to reduce your daily salt intake.
Swollen Legs