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7 Things Your Dreams Say About Your Personality

7 Things Your Dreams Say About Your Personality

Have you ever wondered what your daydreams can mean to you? While this kind of dreams is an opportunity to escape the reality in different ways, after all, life can be stressful, so a moment of escape can not hurt anyone. We must know that reverie is not a waste of time, as is often said, but rather an open door to creativity, problem solving and in some cases, the realization of our own potential.

Waking daydream can help us think of a more positive reality or define our life goals. Maybe you daydream at work or just at home. In fact, what these reveries reveal about you can truly surprise you.

This is what your waking dreams say about your personality

You are satisfied with your life
If your daydreams often involve the fact that you are relaxing on a beach somewhere with friends and enjoying this time with them, it probably means that you are really happy with your life. It also means that you have strong connections with those around you and that you enjoy spending time with those you love.

You are creative
If you often dream while being awake to get noticed in a competition or win a prize, it probably means that you are in a beautiful period of creativity. People who imagine scenarios in which they manage to do something exciting or fun while showcasing their talents are really looking to put their skills to good use and be rewarded.

You are intelligent
Daydreaming can also reveal things about your intellectual abilities. According to a Georgia Institute of Technology study, people who tend to dream while they are awake have a high brain capacity that makes them unable to stay focused on the task at hand.

The authors of the study measured the brain patterns of more than 100 people. Participants were to focus on a stationary fixation point for five minutes, lying in an MRI machine. The researchers used the data collected to determine which parts of the brain were working together.

Once they understood how the brain works in a state of rest and waking, the team compared the data with the tests performed by participants to measure their intellectual and creative abilities. In addition, participants responded to a questionnaire about their day-to-day dreams.

Participants who reported a tendency to daydream more often had higher intellectual and creative test scores and higher intelligence than others.

You know how to solve problems
If you happen, for example, to dream while being awake that you leave your job because you are not satisfied with your current job. Perhaps you need to talk to your boss and determine how you can feel happier in your work environment or what other opportunities might be available to you. You can also try a more positive thought in order to get more satisfaction in your life.

A dear deceased person misses you
Dreaming while being awake to loved ones, parents, or grandparents who have died may mean that you have to grapple with your grief or that you still feel that they are missing in your life. You can remember the good memories with them or imagine them in a better place. Sometimes nostalgia can reveal what awakened dreams mean about your personality.

You want to have control over your life
If you dream about becoming famous around the world or getting the job of your dreams, it means you're looking for better control over your life. You want to become your own boss and feel more powerful. This kind of daydreaming may mean that you want to run away from your reality because you are bored in your daily life. You want to be able to evolve in a world where you would feel more fulfilled.

You need a change
Waking dreams where you dream of escaping to travel the world, for example, mean that you may need a change in your daily life. It does not necessarily mean that you really want to travel the world, but you should try to do some things differently.
Dreams Say About Your Personality