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7 Tips To Lose Fat in Your Face

7 Tips To Lose Fat in Your Face

Some areas of our body represent a real challenge to our slimming plan, including belly ,cheeks and face fat . They require a special effort and a great deal of motivation to achieve it.

You are presented with effective tips to refine your face if you want to have a sculpted appearance and mitigate the impact of a double chin on your overall appearance.

Facial exercises
Facial exercises are small massages that you can do daily for a few minutes at the level of your cheeks. This will improve your facial appearance, hold your facial muscles in addition to remedy the early aging of the skin. A fairly simple exercise to do is exercise the smile. To begin, relax your face and begin to gradually contract the muscles around your lips. Begin the movement of the smile gently while maintaining a position where your smile is still in its infancy and your mouth slightly ajar. Hold this position for ten seconds. Gently spread the width of your smile without completing it, showing only your first teeth, contract your muscles and hold this position for 10 seconds. For the last step, extend your smile all the way to see the majority of your teeth and hold for 10 seconds as well. You can relax slowly.

Another equally interesting exercise would be to massage your cheeks in a circle by contracting your muscles.

Do cardio
Cardio is a set of physical exercises designed to improve your level of endurance. This kind of exercise is known for its effectiveness in melting fat. Practice two cardio sessions in weeks of at least 45 minutes each and you will soon see results.

Take care to hydrate yourself sufficiently
Proper hydration is not only recommended to maintain your body in good health, but can also help you achieve your weight loss goals. It has the effect of triggering lipid degradation and body thermogenesis which will help burn even more fat.

Avoid alcohol consumption
Studies have shown that there is a positive correlation between intake of alcohol and weight gain. This little glass at the end of the day is not worth it, compared to a refined face.

Stay away from sugars
Refined carbohydrates such as those in cakes, snack foods and frozen entrees are the worst enemy of your slimming goals. They are digested faster and trigger your urge to feed you and eat more food.

Adopt a good sleep pattern
We will never repeat it enough. You need at least 8h of sleep per night. Lack of sleep results in secretion of cortisol, commonly known as stress hormone and which promotes weight gain and fat storage.

Pay attention to the level of Sodium that you take
Sodium is generally present in salty foods. Taking large amounts of sodium promotes water retention, which in turn, gives you a swollen or puffy facial appearance. For that, try to consume more or less salty foods trying to control the level of sodium in the dishes you take. If your dish contains enough cheese or anchovies, it is useless to add salt as this will increase your level of water retention.

Facial refinement is not an easy task for many people, just keep your motivation and combine these different tips for optimal results.
Lose Fat in Your Face