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5 Tips To Get Twice As Much Juice From A Lemon

5 Tips To Get Twice As Much Juice From A Lemon

If lemon adds a nice flavor to our dishes, you should know that it also brings many health benefits. Indeed, citrus fruit is full of nutrients that help purify our body and optimize its functioning. However, extracting all the juice from the yellow fruit is not always an easy task. Here are some easy and safe ways to get up to twice as much juice from our favorite citrus fruit.

Many people wonder how to completely extract the juice trapped in the flesh of the lemon. Do not worry, this article is about to give you the simplest and fastest ways to enjoy citrus without wasting a drop!

1. Soften lemon in a bowl of water
It is important to soften the lemon peel to extract more juice. All you need is to fill a bowl with hot or warm water, (avoid boiling water), place your lemons and let them rest for about 30 to 40 minutes before taking them out. the water. You will notice that it is much easier to extract the juice since the hot water will soften their skin.

2. Roll lemon before cutting it
Take a whole lemon and roll it against the surface of the cutting board by pressing on it with your palm. Be careful, however, not to press too hard at the risk of crushing it, the purpose being only to soften the skin of the lemon. This method helps to break the membranes of the flesh of the citrus fruit and to soften it, which allows to extract the maximum juice.

3. Heat lemon in a microwave
The easiest way to get more lemon juice is to heat it in the microwave for about 10 to 20 seconds. You should not cut the lemon in half, because the heat will absorb the moisture of the fruit. Instead, simply put a whole lemon and then squeeze it as usual to recover its juice.

4. Cut the lemon lengthwise
Cutting the lemon up and down, that is to say in length, can help extract a larger amount of juice. Indeed, this method will have a thicker pulp to squeeze which will increase your chances of enjoying the citrus fruit optimally.

5. Use the teeth of the fork to extract more juice
Cut the lemon in half, insert the teeth of the fork into one of the halves and press the inside of the lemon. Once the juice begins to flow into the container, stir the utensil teeth well into the lemon. The pressure and pointed teeth of the fork help pierce the lemon's membranes, allowing more juice to be extracted.

These ideas are practical and very easy to execute. However, if we talk about ways to extract lemon juice, it's just as important to mention some of its health benefits.

According to an in vivo study published in Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, the results showed that the polyphenols contained in lemons have the ability to significantly reduce weight gain and fat accumulation in the body.

Prevent kidney stones
The citric acid in the lemon can help prevent kidney stones. According to a study published in Journal of Endourology, citric acid can increase urine volume and bind to calcium while limiting crystal formation, creating a less favorable environment for the formation of these crystals. small pebbles.

Fight against anemia
Vitamin C in lemon allows for better absorption of iron from plant foods, the latter being more difficult to absorb by the body and can lead to deficiencies and anemia.

Warnings :
Lemon is not recommended for people with ulcers or heartburn, in addition to people with citrus allergies.