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Here's How To Regulate Blood Sugar Naturally (Without Medication)

Here's How To Regulate Blood Sugar Naturally (Without Medication)

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that persists chronically and disrupts the lifestyle of those who suffer from it. From a lack or a faulty mechanism of a hormone called insulin, diabetes can lead to many metabolic complications if it is not adequately controlled.

In 2016, more than 3.3 million people, or 5% of the population, took a treatment to treat their diabetes. This metabolic disorder is often the consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle.

What is diabetes ?

As we have seen previously, diabetes is a chronic disease caused by insufficient or abnormal secretion of insulin. This hormone is usually produced by the pancreas to allow the body's cells to assimilate glucose. In a healthy person, insulin performs its function properly to provide cells with glucose and therefore energy. But in a diabetic, glucose does not nourish the cells and stores in the blood, causing an abnormal increase in sugar (blood sugar).

What are the types of diabetes?

There are several types of diabetes:

- Type 1 diabetes:
The body of people suffering from this type of diabetes no longer produces insulin. Indeed, their immune system acts against them and destroys the pancreatic cells responsible for insulin production.

- Type 2 diabetes:
This type of diabetes is the most common in France. The body of those who suffer from it produces insulin, but it does not work effectively. Two causes may be responsible: either the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar, or this insulin simply does not fulfill its role.

- Gestational diabetes:
This type of diabetes, also called "pregnancy diabetes" is a disease that occurs when the woman is pregnant. Thus, the latter undergoes an excess of sugar in the blood making it intolerant to carbohydrates. Nevertheless, this diabetes is the only one that can disappear after childbirth.

What are the foods that help control the disease?

If diabetes is usually established over time, there are ways to control it and alleviate the symptoms of high blood sugar, including:

- The Hintonia Latiflora
It is a plant that contains proven components to boost metabolism, regulate blood sugar levels and fight against diabetes. Indeed, researchers have highlighted its antidiabetic properties. Moreover, it seems that this plant has an impact on the regulation of cholesterol and the reduction of triglycerides.

- Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice rich in fiber and antioxidants that has many therapeutic benefits. One study shows that cinnamon plays an important role in regulating blood sugar and improving insulin sensitivity.

- Diets
Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by poor dietary choices. Indeed, a diet rich in sugars and fats promotes the development of this disease. To regulate blood sugar levels, you must abolish refined sugar and industrial products from your diet. Also, it is recommended to favor foods rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables.

- Weight loss
Many researches reveal a clear correlation between overweight and diabetes. To regulate blood sugar, it is necessary to change one's lifestyle in order to achieve a healthy weight.

- Physical exercise
We can not boast enough of the benefits of regular physical activity. To reduce excess sugar, you have to spend as much as you can. According to scientists, physical exercise helps improve insulin resistance and effectively control diabetes.

Caution: It is helpful to let your doctor know of any solution you are adopting.