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7 Natural Tips To Reduce Dark Circles Under The Eyes In 2 Days

7 Natural Tips To Reduce Dark Circles Under The Eyes In 2 Days

The quality of the skin's tissues is determined by the blood circulation. Indeed, it is responsible for the appearance of dark circles and unsightly pockets. In this sense, it is essential to understand all the elements that are associated with it and that go beyond a simple coloring, namely aging, dark pigmentation and digging the furrow. Nevertheless, by adopting healthy habits and applying natural homemade treatments, it is possible to reduce their unpleasant appearance and give a boost to the face.

Dark circles appear for a variety of reasons, including skin aging and tone loss. This is why their appearance is sometimes shocking and can be a factor of erosion of self-esteem. Cosmetic companies offer ranges that are as numerous as they are expensive and that make it possible to reduce them. Only these could harm you depending on your skin type, which is why home remedies are important to know. Here are some tips and recommendations to remedy this and prevent the appearance of dark circles:

The cucumber
Cucumber is a natural remedy, effective, and may be best known for dealing with aesthetic imperfections. Simply slice it, leave it in the fridge for a few minutes and place it under your eyes. Its water and copper content deeply moisturizes, promotes the production of collagen in this sensitive area and also reduces the appearance of dark circles by decongesting the pockets.

The aloe vera
When the color of the skin under your eyes is accompanied by irritation, aloe vera proves particularly effective thanks to its refreshing and anti-inflammatory properties. Indeed this favorite medicinal plant of Chinese and Egyptian medicine offers several benefits: it deeply moisturizes, reduces brown spots, soothes and allows the healing of the epidermis.

To benefit from it, it is necessary to extract the fresh gel of the aloe vera and to apply it around your eyes before sleeping.

Tea bags
These bags are not just for making tea. Antioxidants, they also contain tannins, polyphenols with decongestive and astringent action that help tighten pores and tone the skin. In addition, their caffeine content promotes blood microcirculation, thereby attenuating the coloring of dark circles.

Simply dip the tea bag in cold water, apply it to your eyes and let it sit for about 15 minutes!

Rose water
If you want to prevent the appearance of dark circles, rose water can be excellent to give a fresh look to your skin and rejuvenate it. Rich in vitamin C, it fights against the action of free radicals responsible for a dull complexion and hyperpigmentation of the skin.

To enjoy its benefits, soak the cotton in rose water and let rest on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes.

Unless you have extremely oily skin, milk is a preferred ingredient for reducing dark circles thanks to the exfoliating properties of lactic acid. These increase the rate of cellular regeneration as well as the tonicity and elasticity of the skin. She then finds all its brilliance.

You will need to soak 2 compresses of cold milk and let them pose for 10 minutes under the eyes.

Thanks to the antioxidant action of lycopene they contain, tomatoes are an excellent anti-dark circles remedy, making the skin soft and supple, and reducing pigmentation. You will need to mix in a glass a teaspoon of tomato juice with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply the mixture under your eyes. This preparation should be allowed to stand for about 10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly with clean water.

The sleep
Despite all the natural remedies and beauty products available on the market, sleep remains the best solution to prevent the appearance of dark circles and reduce their appearance. Therefore, it is essential to promote a healthy lifestyle and balanced.

It is inadvisable to expose oneself to the sun after applying lemon to the skin, the citrus being photosensitizing.
Dark Circles Under The Eyes In 2 Days