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A Scientific Study Claims That This Elixir With Garlic And Lemon Reduces Blood Pressure And Ldl Cholesterol

A Scientific Study Claims That This Elixir With Garlic And Lemon Reduces Blood Pressure And Ldl Cholesterol

Indispensable to the body, cholesterol is a natural fat mainly produced by the liver. It contributes in particular to the synthesis of vitamin D and to compose the cell membranes. The rest of our food comes from the diet, with the only difference that it does not use the same proteins to be transported in the body. 

This is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) responsible for "bad" cholesterol. These distribute it to the organs and increase the risk of plaque formation on the arterial walls.

Cholesterol is the cause of one heart attack in two, with nearly 20% of adults with hypercholesterolemia. Enemy of the arteries and cardiovascular health, this evil rages in all societies when it is present in excess in the body. In question, certain genetic or hereditary factors, some diseases responsible for its rise and essentially, a diet rich in saturated fats and processed fatty acids.

Hypercholesterolemia: what you need to know
Above all, it is important to know that cholesterol is not the only factor related to lipid abnormalities, since triglycerides, another type of lipid in the blood, can also be responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases. During a lipid assessment, these two factors are also evaluated at the same time to monitor their rate and their excess presence in the body. Depending on the diagnosis, hypercholesterolemia can then be broken down into several forms, namely:

- Isolated hypercholesterolemia, linked to an excess of triglycerides in the blood with a normal cholesterol level.

- Mixed hypercholesterolemia, which corresponds to high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

- Pure hypercholesterolemia, which develops due to an excess of cholesterol in the blood, the maximum total threshold being 2 g / l and 1.6 g / l for LDL cholesterol.

Elixir With Garlic And Lemon Reduces Blood Pressure And Ldl Cholesterol

Thus, the body is faced with certain risks, including the appearance of fatty plaques on the walls of the arteries, which can thicken over time and lead to atherosclerosis. In addition, when the plaques thicken and hinder the flow of blood, it is the cells that are deprived of oxygen and the affected arteries, can cause infarction, arteritis of the lower limbs or stroke.

Food: Modifiable risk factor

By choice or by default, unhealthy eating is more and more part of our daily lives. Due to overconsumption of industrial products and poor lifestyle (sedentary, overweight, smoking etc.), cholesterol and triglyceride levels are skyrocketing for some. Therefore, a food rebalancing is required as the first measure of treatment, with some specific recommendations including:

- Reduction of fat intake (limit to 35% of total calories)
- The decrease of saturated fatty acids (butter, biscuits, pastries, ready meals etc.)
- The consumption of unsaturated fatty acids (olive oil, dried oleaginous fruits, oily fish)
- Increase in antioxidant sources (vitamin C, E and polyphenols present in fresh fruits and vegetables)

A diet in case of overweight
To help you in this process and support your efforts, some ingredients are particularly useful. Garlic and lemon rank first, especially because of their lipid-lowering effects. Zoom on their benefits.

Garlic and lemon: a duo recognized by science
According to a study published by The International Journal of Preventive Medicine on 112 patients suffering from hyperlipidemia and aged 30 to 60 years, the administration of garlic and lemon would have been proven. By measuring its impact on blood pressure, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, the researchers reported a significant improvement in all these factors after 8 weeks of treatment, as well as a significant reduction in the mass index. body. In addition, both garlic and lemon have demonstrated in in vivo studies a considerable reduction in triglyceride levels. Results favorable to their inclusion in a healthy diet to improve our health.

How to proceed at home?
In a preventive approach or as a first step to fight against excess fat in the body, it is quite possible to use the condiment and citrus at home, preparing a very simple drink. To do this, you will need:
  • 4 organic lemons
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 liters of water
- Start by peeling the garlic cloves and cut them in half.
- Wash your lemons thoroughly and cut into small pieces while keeping the bark.
- Boil your 3 liters of water in a saucepan.
- Take 3 small jars and fill them half with garlic and lemon.
- Once the water is boiled, pour into the containers and close tightly.
- Place the mixture in a cool place for 3 days then filter your.

This remedy will be consumed at the rate of 50 ml, 3 times a day, half an hour before each meal. The total duration of the cure should not exceed 40 days per year.

Warnings :
- Lemon is not recommended for ulcers, heartburn or citrus allergy.

- Garlic should be avoided before or after surgery because of its anticoagulant effect.

- Natural remedies do not substitute for any medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any type of treatment.