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Here's What Happens When You Add Lemon Peels To Your Dishes For A Week

Here's What Happens When You Add Lemon Peels To Your Dishes For A Week

Those with a little interest in nutrition know that consuming lemon regularly is a dreadful health habit. And for good reason, the citrus star of our detox boosts our immune system, promotes our digestion and prepares the body for weight loss. Only, we are still little to preserve the peel of the lemon to sprinkle on our dishes and our smoothies. Spotlight on the benefits of this tasty bark.

This will probably not have escaped you. All the aficionados of natural health are formal: lemon is the citrus essential to preserve the functioning of its organs and increase its tone. But few of us know that there is any interest in preserving the peels of the fruit of the lemon tree. By incorporating them into a balanced diet for a week, you will enjoy a plethora of benefits.

What Happens When You Add Lemon Peels To Your Dishes For A Week

The benefits of lemon peels 

Lemon peel, to boost the immune system
Packed with vitamin C and flavonoids, the zests of lemon is ideal for improving the performance of its immune system. According to the conclusions of this study, lemon peels have antioxidant, antigenotoxic and immunomodulatory properties. So many reasons not to sulk the zest of our citrus of choice.

The peel of lemon, to promote your digestion
Keeping the bark of the fruit of the lemon tree helps to improve your digestive functions. And for good reason, this skin is rich in pectin, soluble fibers essential to inflate the food bowl and facilitate the evacuation of stool. A formidable health gesture for those who often suffer from constipation and bloating.

Lemon peel, to protect your cardiovascular system
Good cardiovascular health begins with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. To protect your cardiovascular system, keeping the zest of your lemon is a perfect habit. And for good reason, according to a study published in the journal Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, the bark of citrus helps regulate blood pressure. A reason to sprinkle it more regularly in our dishes and smoothies.

Lemon zest for good oral health
The mucous membranes and dentin are vulnerable to the proliferation of bacteria. To clean gums from the buildup of germs, lemon peel is an ideal natural remedy. And for good reason, this citrus skin contains antibacterial photochemical agents that fight the body against the development of micro-organisms. According to this study, lemon peel has antibacterial properties that are highly recommended for maintaining oral health.

The lemon peel, a formidable liver shield
Like citrus fruit, lemon peel is recommended to protect its filtering organ. Its anti-inflammatory properties act by protecting the liver from liver diseases.

Lemon peel, to boost your weight loss
Combined with a balanced diet and sustained physical activity, the lemon zest prepares your body for weight loss. Its vitamin C reduces the level of cortisol, a hormone that promotes the storage of fat. According to the conclusions of this scientific experiment published in the journal Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, we owe the dietary virtues of zest to the presence of polyphenols in citrus fruits. So many reasons to integrate these skins sip of nutrients to our food program.

How to consume lemon's zest ?

To benefit from conclusive results on your health and on your line, we advise you to obtain lemons of biological origin.

-To make the most of the peel of citrus, it is important to keep lemons in a freezer. Then grated them to sprinkle on your dishes, your seasonal soups, your smoothies, your teas and your salads. You will enjoy the benefits of bark optimally.

Caution :
-The consumption of lemon is not recommended in case of heartburn and ulcers.