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This Lemon Elixir Is A Good Way To Melt Belly Fat And Cleanse The Body

This Lemon Elixir Is A Good Way To Melt Belly Fat And Cleanse The Body

Losing weight often confronts us with difficult challenges. The most important is the abdominal fat, particularly tough and difficult to eliminate. However, it is not necessary to ruin yourself in slimming products or cosmetic surgery to achieve your goals, provided you know how to exploit the wealth of Mother Nature. Zoom on its most useful ingredients to find the line.

This slimming drink requires only three ingredients. Fortunately for you, there is a good chance that they are no further than in your kitchen. With a little motivation, exercise and a healthy diet, you will be able to enjoy the formidable virtues of honey, ginger and lemon.

Melt Belly Fat And Cleanse The Body

Melt belly fat and cleanse the body with these ingredients

If your knowledge of the lemon stops at the puck that adorns your drink, it is high time you lean a little more on it. Imagine that lemon is rich in fiber. It contains pectin, mainly present in its bark. It is a soluble fiber that promotes your digestion, improves your transit and gives you a feeling of satiety. Naturally, it reduces the amount of food you eat and allows you to hold longer, at least until your next meal.

The most known specificity of lemon is its high content of vitamin C. It promotes the synthesis of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that can metabolize fats and burn them later. It is also rich in antioxidants, making it a great detox ingredient to eliminate waste accumulated in the body.

A fragrant spice with a delicate aroma, ginger has been used for thousands of years for its therapeutic properties. By incorporating it with this drink, the Asian rhizome will allow you to improve your digestion and your transit, thus fighting against the constipation and the troublesome bloating. It also has a thermogenic effect, which means it accelerates fat metabolism by increasing body temperature. According to a meta-analysis published by Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, it would also regulate sugar and lipid levels in the blood.

According to an in-vivo study from the University of San Diego in the United States, honey may be helpful in maintaining your weight, including reducing fatness and triglyceride levels in the blood. Be careful however to consume with moderation, honey is still a sweet food.

Preparing your diet drink
It is important to notify, that ingredients of biological origin would be better adapted to this recipe. To prepare it, you need:
  • 2.5 cm fresh ginger root
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 lemon (and its zest)
  • half a teaspoon of honey


- Warm up the water, then let it warm up for a while.

- Meanwhile, recover the lemon juice without forgetting the zest, then cut the ginger into thin slices.

- Once the water is lukewarm, add the lemon juice and the zest, the slices of ginger and the honey. Your drink is ready!

It is best to take this drink in the morning on an empty stomach for a whole week.

Ginger is not recommended for pregnant women, people suffering from blood diseases, diabetics and weak people.

It is not recommended to take lemon in case of burns or stomach ulcers, and in case of citrus allergies. Also, it is recommended not to brush your teeth just after consuming lemon juice, so as not to damage tooth enamel.