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Consume This Nigella Seeds Drink Before Breakfast Can Cut The Hunger For The Rest Of The Day

Consume This Nigella Seeds Drink Before Breakfast Can Cut The Hunger For The Rest Of The Day

Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, a copious diet can have deleterious effects on our health and our line. To regain weight, it is essential to change eating habits and lifestyle. Resumption of a sport, healthy nutrition, dietetic follow-up, all these useful steps to put the course on its well-being. To feel lighter, focus on foods with high nutrient potential and high fiber content. This natural remedy will help you boost your weight loss.

A period of carelessness can quickly pack our silhouette. To struggle against the body overweight, it is essential to gradually rethink its diet. By focusing on highly dietary foods, you will trigger the sensation of satiety essential to fight against untimely cravings. By consuming this natural remedy regularly, you will help your body burn fat deeply.

Nigella Seeds

The benefits of nigella seeds

Nigel, your dietary ally
Did you know that Nigel seeds could help you boost your weight loss? And for good reason, grasses are an unstoppable source of fiber, essential substances to trigger the feeling of satiety essential to withstand untimely cravings. According to this study, the consumption of black cumin could significantly reduce the body mass index in obese women. So many reasons to sprinkle them on our smoothies and seasonal salads!

The seeds of nigelles, to facilitate your digestion
If you suffer from a difficult transit, the seeds of Nigel are then a remedy all indicated. These grasses stimulate the production of bile, a liquid essential to promote digestion. Their anti-inflammatory properties also make it possible to regulate an intestinal flora disturbed by a poor diet. According to this study, black cumin would protect the gastrointestinal system thanks to its antioxidant power.

The seeds of nigelles, to eliminate toxins
Antioxidant, stimulating, digestive and diuretic, Nigel protects the body from the accumulation of toxins harmful to its well-being. By integrating it into your diet, you fight against the action of free radicals causing the premature aging of cells.

The seeds of Nigel, to fight against cholesterol
Thanks to its stimulating action of insulin, Nigel regulates the triglycerides and glucose levels. According to this study, consumption of black cumin could significantly reduce the presence of cholesterol in the blood. So many reasons to sprinkle them more often on our smoothies.

The seeds of nigella, for difficult nights
If you have trouble falling asleep, these grasses are a natural remedy. And for good reason, black cumin contains histamines, a neurotransmitter acting on sleep and the state of relaxation. According to this study, we also owe its sedative properties to thymoquinone, an active compound of the spice.

Seeds of Nigel, to relieve pain

The analgesic action of black seed makes this spice a recommended remedy to relieve pain. According to this study, we owe these virtues to the presence of polyphenols in the millennial spice.

How to prepare my slimming drink?
To observe conclusive results on your health, we advise you to obtain ingredients of biological origin.


- A glass of filtered water
- Half a teaspoon of seed Nigel
- A tablespoon of chia seeds
- Half a teaspoon of honey (optional)

- Bring the water over low heat and add the black cumin. Boil for five minutes and allow to cool.

- As soon as you leave the fire, stir in the chia seeds and let stand at night.

- The drink is ready to be consumed.

Use :
To enjoy the virtues of this natural remedy, consume it on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast and once in the evening before going to bed.