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Prepare This Soup On Sunday Is A Good Way To Lose Weight And Find A Flat Stomach

Prepare This Soup On Sunday Is A Good Way To Lose Weight And Find A Flat Stomach

Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits can quickly harm your body. To overcome the overweight and preserve its health capital, it is essential to completely rethink its diet in order to favor highly dietary and nutritious meals. This soup is one of them. Essentially prepared with lemon and coriander, this broth is ideal for a light dinner. Its slimming mechanisms are amazing.

The lack of physical activity coupled with a copious diet and little variety can quickly translate on the scale. To remedy a weight gain due to a long period of letting go, it is essential to move towards a better lifestyle. Physical activity, healthy eating, optimal hydration, all initiatives to take to regain his fitness weight. Here is a highly dietetic recipe of soup to prepare your body for weight loss or to accompany a slimming diet, while enjoying many health benefits.

Lose Weight And Find A Flat Stomach

Lemon, your diet partner

Exit soft drinks and sweet sodas at will, make way for lemon water! This healthy beverage is recommended to prepare your body for weight loss. And for good reason, the citrus is full of vitamin C, a nutritive substance that fights against the body against the presence of cortisol, a hormone responsible for storing fat. The conclusions of this experiment in vivo are formal: we owe these dietary properties to the presence of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants, in the fruit of the lemon tree. Reason enough to invite lemon more regularly in our morning drinks!

Lemon, an amazing liver shield
Highly prized by celebrities to recover from a period of excess, the depurative reputation of lemon is certainly not stolen. Packed with antioxidants, citrus detox inhibits the presence of free radicals, responsible for the appearance of diseases and cellular aging. According to this study, the consumption of lemon protects the liver, even in case of alcohol consumption.

Lemon, a natural remedy against colds
Used in prevention at the first symptoms of colds, citrus fruit is effective against this mild but uncomfortable disease. And for good reason, its vitamin C which fights against the inflammation which occurs during the infection of the nasal cavities. According to this study, lemon consumption significantly reduces the duration of cold-related symptoms.

The benefits of coriander

Coriander, an outstanding dietary ally
Low in calories and high in fiber, the plant quickly triggers the sensation of satiety essential to resist cravings. Fiber also has an inhibitory impact on triglyceride and insulin levels, mechanisms recommended to promote weight loss. According to the conclusions of this in-vivo experiment, the consumption of this plant considerably reduces appetite. A natural appetite suppressant that is useful to integrate into a balanced diet.

Coriander, an antioxidant food
Rich in antioxidants, this plant is recommended to fight against the presence of free radicals responsible for the appearance of diseases and premature cell aging. And the virtues of coriander do not stop there: the plant is also sedative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic. Reason enough to incorporate it more often to our green juices.

How to prepare my diet soup?

To observe conclusive results on your health, we strongly recommend that you obtain the ingredients of biological origin.

Ingredients: For 6 people

- 3 zucchini
- juice of half a lemon
- 1 clove of minced garlic
- 2 centimeters of ginger root, grated
- 3 tomatoes cut in minutes
- 3 tablespoons of coconut milk
- 1 bunch of chopped coriander
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 2 new onions
- Salt and pepper

-Peel the zucchini and cut them in

- Sauté the zucchini in a wok with olive oil and garlic

- Add to the container onions, tomatoes, grated ginger

-Cover the container of water and mix the preparation

- Simmer the mixture over low heat for 40 minutes, salt and pepper

- Add the coconut milk

- After cooking, add the chopped coriander leaves

Once the soup is ready, you can add at the end, lemon juice so that it can keep its nutrients.

Thus, the soup will be ready to be tasted.

Caution :
The consumption of lemon is not recommended in case of heartburn or ulcers

The consumption of coriander is proscribed in case of taking anticoagulant treatment.