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Here's Why We Should Start Eating Frozen Lemons

Here's Why We Should Start Eating Frozen Lemons

As part of a healthy lifestyle, many people are interested in the properties of the foods they consume. In vogue, lemons are consumed in all their forms to guarantee the body a variety of benefits. Thanks to their vitamin C and antioxidant content, these citrus fruits take care of your health and fight against the development of several diseases.

Some people have the habit of harvesting lemon juice and throwing the skin of the fruit. But in reality, the nutrients that include the lemon zest have multiple virtues that it is necessary to conserve. To enjoy it, it is possible to sprinkle your lemon zest salads or mix them with the juice. Indeed, everything is good in the lemon and every part of the fruit participates in the prevention and the treatment of certain affections. To preserve the vitamins and minerals of lemons, you can opt for a method of freezing that has been proven.

Frozen Lemon

How to freeze lemons?

Before you go to freezing, make sure you get organic lemons to avoid the presence of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Then soak the lemons in a mixture of water, vinegar and baking soda.

Depending on your preferences, you can opt for a specific freezing method:

Whole lemons
Ideal for those who add lemons to their culinary preparations, this method can be used to incorporate the whole citrus fruit later or to grate the zest.

To freeze whole lemons, put them in a hermetically sealed freezer bag. Then place the bag in the freezer.

Lemon juice and separated zests

To freeze lemon juice, squeeze the citrus fruit and keep the zest aside. Put the obtained juices in small ice cube trays that you will put in a freezer bag. Then grate the lemon peel and put the zests in a bag that you seal before placing in the freezer.

Lemons and zests separated
To keep lemons whole but without the zest, start by grating the skin of the fruits. Then put the zests in a sealed box and store in the freezer. Perform the same operation to freeze the lemons.

Lemons in slices
If you're a fan of sliced ​​lemons to flavor your juices, slice your fruit. Then place the slices in a freezer bag. Store in the freezer for future use.

The benefits of lemon

The method of freezing lemons helps preserve all the virtues of the fruits.

1- Frozen Lemons boosts the immune system
With its vitamin C, lemon helps fight infectious agents that can enter the body. Thus, it strengthens the immune system and effectively prevents the occurrence of certain diseases. According to one study, vitamin C supplementation has positive effects on the body since it inhibits the action of oxidative stress and protects the respiratory tract.

2- Frozen Lemons takes care of the liver
Containing flavonoids, lemon is a true liver ally. The liver is an extremely important organ that participates in many metabolic functions. Only the excess of alcohol and fat can disturb it. But researchers report that ingestion of lemon juice is beneficial for the liver and prevents alcohol-induced liver damage.

3- Frozen Lemons helps to lose weight
Rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols, lemon fights against the accumulation of body fat and prevents overweight. Thus, a scientific experiment carried out on obese rodents has revealed that the antioxidants contained in the lemon effectively reduce the adipose tissues and also regulate the glycemic level in the blood.

4- Frozen Lemon prevents urinary stones
Containing citric acid, lemon prevents urolithiasis and prevents the development of kidney stones. Indeed, scientists demonstrate that citrate causes dissolution of non-obstructive uric acid stones.

5- Frozen Lemons reduces joint pain
The lemon peel has medicinal properties used for a long time to relieve many ailments. Anti-inflammatory, the skin of lemon soothes the pains. According to one study, lemon peel is an effective remedy for pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism.

6- Frozen Lemon facilitates the process of digestion
Bloating and constipation can greatly disrupt the well-being of those who are subject to it. Containing pectin, but also citric acid, lemon accelerates the mechanism of digestion. Indeed, citric acid stimulates the production of bile, helping the liver to break down fatty foods more easily. Pectin protects the intestinal flora and improves the digestive process.

Caution :
It is not recommended to consume lemon in cases of ulcer, heartburn or citrus allergy.