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How To Grow Tomatoes At Home (Step By Step)

How To Grow Tomatoes At Home (Step By Step)

When you grow your own fruits and vegetables, you control the stages of their development as well as their quality. Indeed, growing your own food at home has several advantages. First, this will allow you to eat fresh, organic, tasty fruit and vegetables grown with great care and love. But also, gardening will help you feel better, lose some calories without realizing it and improve your morale!

Grow Tomatoes At Home

Steps to plant your own tomatoes at home
There are several methods for planting and maintaining tomatoes at home, however the best known methods are not the easiest. To ensure their availability without complicating the task, here is a simple method that will allow you to grow in just a few steps. You will need:
  • A pot
  • Potting soil
  • Gravel
  • Compost
  • Some organic tomatoes (very ripe)
  • Some water

How to proceed?

1. Prepare potting soil and a large pot.

2.First, put gravel in the bottom of your pot to allow air to penetrate, add a light layer of compost, then fill the rest with your potting soil.

3. Now you have to fill your pot. Cut the tomatoes into medium slices. Put them in your pot and add about one centimeter of potting soil. And to finish, water them a little. Be careful not to expose the container to the sun too much.

4. After two weeks, prepare your garden to transplant your plants. These should be exposed to the sun 10 to 12 hours a day.

5. Two weeks later, transplant each of them separately into a pot, still in your garden. Try to bury the stems as deep as possible in the potting soil.

6. Water them regularly.
To improve the quality of your potting soil, you can add a calcium-containing fertilizer once or twice a week. Watch for them every day and make sure your plants do not rot and are not overgrown.

Some benefits of tomato:

- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Tomatoes contain lycopene. A compound that, according to an article published by Frontiers in Pharmacology, would improve vascular function and help prevent cardiovascular disorders. Among the observed effects of lycopene, its antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, and its virtues to reduce arterial stiffness.

- Improve transit
Tomato is rich in fiber. According to a scientific article published by The Journal of Food, Science and Technology, the latter improve transit and stimulate the proliferation of intestinal flora. They would also help regulate the consistency of the stool.

- Protects your skin against UV rays
According to an in-vivo study published by Scientific Reports, the tomato would protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays. This action is mainly due to its lycopene content, among other carotenoids. Tomato also promotes the regeneration of skin cells after exposure to the sun.