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How to Relieve Tooth Decay and Cavities Naturally at Home

How to Relieve Tooth Decay and Cavities Naturally at Home

How to Relieve Tooth Decay and Cavities Naturally at Home

Decay is a hole in the tooth caused by acid released by the bacteria that proliferate in the oral cavity. Tooth decay progresses from day to day and needs to be treated quickly to prevent it from weakening the tooth and reaching the nerve.

When small, teeth decay are painless, however, feeling unbearable pain is bad sign because it means it is near the nerve. It is necessary to stop consuming sugar, which is the first source of bacteria in the mouth, to have an irreproachable hygiene and to avoid the passage of the hot to the cold which may sensitize the tooth.

While waiting for the appointment at the dentist, it is possible to relieve dental pain by using 100% natural methods simple to prepare at home and very inexpensive.

Mix of sea salt and lemon
Mix ½ teaspoon of sea salt with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice to obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply to the painful tooth and let it act a few minutes before rinsing the mouth with warm water.

The high vitamin C content of the lemon and its anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to fight the infection and inflammation associated with
teeth decay. As for sea salt, it eliminates bacteria (the leading cause of teeth decay) thanks to its antiseptic and antifungal action.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of licorice to combat dental plaque and the appearance of dental caries naturally thanks to the flavonoids it contains. These are effective antioxidants that protect teeth and neutralize germs. In addition, its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to have healthy teeth.

It is recommended to brush the infected tooth with licorice powder to treat the infection and relieve pain.

Garlic oil
Apply the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of garlic oil to the tooth and gently massage to penetrate.

For the most courageous, it is also possible to chew one or two raw garlic cloves.

Garlic is a true panacea because it has an antibiotic action that reduces pain.

The best way to relieve tooth decay is to put a clove on the diseased tooth and chew it gently to release the oils it contains. For best results, make sure to keep the oil under the tongue.

The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antioxidant and anesthetic properties of cloves help reduce infection and relieve pain.

Amla or Indian gooseberry

Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, this fruit reduces
teeth decay by eliminating bacteria in the mouth and fighting infections. In addition, it reduces bad breath and cleans the mouth deep.

It is advisable to consume daily either 1 fresh amla or herbal tea by infusing ½ teaspoon of amla powder into ½ glass of water.

If fresh amla or powdered amla is not available, it can be consumed in the form of capsules, in which case you must first seek advice from a doctor.

The Nutmeg
A study conducted at Yonsei University in Korea demonstrated the anti-cariogenic effects of nutmeg to prevent
teeth decay and eliminate bacteria.

Grate a little nutmeg and mix with ½ teaspoon of clove oil. Apply to the decay and leave to act for ten minutes before rinsing the mouth with hot water. Repeat the procedure up to four times a day.

Sesame oil

Originally used in Ayurvedic medicine, especially for oil pulling, sesame oil is known to prevent tearing of the teeth.

Make a mouthwash with 1 tablespoon of organic sesame oil for twenty minutes, insisting on the infected tooth then spit and rinse the mouth with warm water.


Turmeric is a true grandmother's trick and is used to relieve
teeth decay infections through its analgesic power.

Apply ½ teaspoon of turmeric to decay and leave to act for a few minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.