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Here's Why You Need Magnesium If You Are Constantly Stressed Or Anxious

Here's Why You Need Magnesium If You Are Constantly Stressed Or Anxious

Recognized as one of the major ills of the 21st century, stress has become the enemy to defeat. In the light of all, he slips into our daily lives, he poisons us, he stinks of ill-being and paralyzed by his grip, we remain frozen, unable to fight. Increasingly prevalent in contemporary societies, this once positive and encouraging feeling has eventually turned into a disability.

Magnesium If You Are Constantly Stressed Or Anxious

Overworked schedules, inappropriate professional situations, chaotic private life, causes are not lacking to explain the anxiety that we are many to feel. But while stress seems to be an easy concept to grasp, the solutions for dealing with it remain as numerous as they are elusive.

Indeed, let's not forget that the human body is a complex machine whose mechanisms are intrinsically linked. As a result, persistent stress that extends over time can lead to anxiety or anxiety. The latter are not without effects on physical and mental health. Sleep, overweight, infectious disorders, reduced immunity, fatigue, migraines ... an endless list of direct or secondary consequences of this disease that has not always been found guilty.

Stress: origin of "evil"
Stress was originally part of a crucial survival process for humans. Discovered by Henri Seyle, Anglo-Saxon physiologist, he was first defined as a "general syndrome of adaptation", a complex defense reaction to counter the hazards of everyday life. It is therefore a stressor as explained by our colleagues at Le Figaro Santé, which may occur chronically, punctually or structurally in response to the neurological, physical, psychological or endocrine systems of the body. Therefore, it is only when these adaptive capacities are exceeded, that the body then becomes vulnerable to dysfunctions.

Today, this feeling has become omnipresent, a symbol of threatening situations for our well-being and inner balance. A way to show the anxiety that gnaws at us without having to express it with words other than "I stress". Therefore, the implementation of effective solutions is obvious to cope, including identifying the causes of stress that eat us and response strategies to this feeling. When they are not energy expenditure and physical activity to free themselves from this weight, the solutions are sometimes very simple and rely only on resources at hand, including magnesium. Portrait of a natural anti-stress often underestimated.

Magnesium: the anti-stress ally
Magnesium is a mineral salt essential to various functions of the body. Involved in fat metabolism, sugar degradation and protein synthesis, it acts on more than 300 different enzymes to fulfill our most important cellular functions. But that's not all, if magnesium stands out for its benefits against stress, it's mostly because of its ability to regulate heart rate and its role in the transmission of nerve impulses that operates at the level neuromuscular. Indeed, a magnesium deficiency is mainly recognized by a feeling of fatigue, stress and persistent tension. In some cases, also insinomnies.

Yet it seems that in France one in six men and one in four women do not consume enough. The body requires daily and regular inputs to meet its needs. According to an article published by Scientifica magazine, increased stress, whether physical or emotional, is one of the consequences associated with magnesium deficiency, which can in turn lead to cardiovascular complications.

A meta-analysis looks more closely at the link between this mineral and anxiety. According to research, magnesium can prevent feelings of stress and anxiety by acting on the neuro-endocrine system. Namely, when we are confronted with stress, the sympathetic and central nervous systems release adrenaline and norepinephrine respectively, hormones intended to increase our vigilance in case of danger. The flip side is that these hormones also cause urinary leakage of magnesium, increasing the deficiencies of the individual concerned