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What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

The changes related to stopping drinking are drastic. Here's what happens to your body when you stop taking alcohol for 28 days. Whether social or recreational, alcohol consumption can quickly turn into an addiction because the dichotomy between "occasional" and "chronic" is poorly defined. Often, this addiction is characterized by daily use coupled with psychological difficulty in getting rid of it.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

When it comes to weaning, it's hard to stay focused on this sometimes ambitious goal when alcohol is an integral part of our lives. And for good reason, this legal drug is accepted in society and its risks are often watered down by its users. However, there are many benefits in stopping consumption that are noticeable from the first week. Here's what happens to your body when you stop drinking for 28 days.

In our professional or relationship life, pretexts abound to drink an aperitif just to "decompress". However, this perception of alcohol as a recreational means is not trivial since this legal drug can quickly lead to a real addiction with strong psychosocial consequences. Once you decide to stop it, sober living can lead to changes from both a physiological and mental point of view. Find out what's going on in your body during a 28-day outage.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

First week 
When a person is used to drinking alcohol regularly, their appetite increases accordingly, stimulating the propensity to experience cravings. And for good reason, the high sugar content of the drink increases the level of insulin, the peak of which causes cravings for sweet foods. Alcohol consumption makes it more vulnerable to choosing larger portions of food and is a factor in obesity, the study found. So many reasons to banish this drink from our daily habits.

Sleep is impaired after consuming an alcoholic drink. This central nervous system depressant causes a feeling of slowing down in the user but has a negative impact on the quality of sleep because it becomes less deep. According to this study by the Alcohol Sleep Center, alcohol consumption causes negative effects on regular sleep cycles. Night awakenings, snoring, restlessness are all consequences justified by a daily consumption of this legal drug.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

Second week
After fifteen days of withdrawal, the effects of the cessation are more noticeable. And for good reason, after two weeks, the liver begins to eliminate the toxins accumulated by regular use of alcohol. Doctor Stein does not give up since he explains that the enzymes of our filtering organ are altered by the consumption of this drink, which can be the cause of cell death. But the liver has the ability to regenerate if you make the decision to wean yourself off this legal drug, which can ultimately cause liver cirrhosis.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

Third Week
By consuming alcohol regularly, the effects of this habit on our digestive organs are difficult to observe. But it is during the shutdown that we can notice that the digestive problems decrease considerably. And this effect has been proven among the scientific community since the latter observes a significant reduction in gastroesophageal reflux thanks to a phenomenon of weakening of the sphincter at the origin of these acid refluxes. So many reasons to consider this decision beneficial for our health.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

Fourth Week:
By the fourth week, the effects of stopping start to change our physical appearance for the better. And the first indicator is the quality of the skin, which is affected by regular alcohol consumption. According to a study, the drink can be responsible for many skin disorders such as rosacea, pruritus, hyperpigmentation and erythema. So much damage that will be mitigated during alcohol withdrawal.

Stop Drinking Alcohol For 28 Days

Other benefits of stopping:
And all of the benefits listed in this summary come with other positive effects. Among them: an increase in cognitive and cerebral faculties, a boost of energy and a decrease in weight.

Caution :
Alcoholism is considered a severe addiction. Some withdrawals require the accompaniment of a health professional who can prescribe medical treatment.