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What Are The Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency? (And Iron-rich Foods To Heal)

What Are The Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency? (And Iron-rich Foods To Heal)

The body is a complex machine that needs several nutrients in order to function properly. Iron is an essential mineral for the body, most notably it plays a key role in the production of hemoglobin. It is found in very small quantities in our body but it is necessary to consume enough. Iron deficiency can have negative consequences for your health. It is therefore essential to recognize the signs of a deficiency in this mineral.

Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency

Iron is a mineral found in some of our foods. It is essential to our body, and a deficiency in this mineral can lead to complications with serious repercussions for your health.

Signs of iron deficiency

There are many symptoms of iron deficiency. Here are a few :

- Generalized and unexplained fatigue even after a good night's sleep

- Mood disorders and easy irritation can be a sign of iron deficiency

- Difficulty concentrating during work can accompany iron deficiency

- Intense headache

- Hair loss can be an alarming sign of potential iron deficiency

- Iron deficiency can cause underproduction of saliva, so a dry mouth can be a sign of iron deficiency

- One can find among the complications due to a severe deficiency of iron anemia. This happens when there is a lack of red blood cells in your blood. You then get out of breath very quickly during a very light physical effort. This is due to the fact that red blood cells are responsible for the transportation of oxygen in the blood.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor who will be able to understand the origin of your ailments and therefore detect a potential iron deficiency.

Factors leading to iron deficiency

There are multiple reasons that can lead to this deficiency. The first is obviously a lack of consumption of iron-rich foods. However, this is not always the main cause of this deficiency. Several diseases can cause poor absorption of this essential mineral: Ulcers, gastric diseases but also heavy periods can lead to a loss of iron by the body. Caution should also be taken during pregnancy as the need for iron increases. In this case ask your doctor for advice to make sure that you are consuming enough iron for you and your baby.
Preventing iron deficiency
To prevent iron deficiency it is recommended to consume foods rich in this mineral. We remind you that it is recommended for an adult to consume 12 mg of iron per day. It is present in various and varied foods. However, you should know that according to national nutritional recommendations, the iron present in animal products such as red meat and fish is much more assimilable than the iron present in vegetable products. It is therefore advisable to consume these products. Also be aware that the tannins present in tea reduce its absorption, so it is advisable not to accompany iron-rich foods with tea.

When it is not possible to consume animal proteins as in the case of a vegetarian or vegan diet, it is then advisable to consult a doctor with a view to administering you an iron supplementation in order to avoid any deficiency in this mineral .

What foods are rich in iron?
Besides meats, fatty fish and calf's liver which are rich in iron, there are according to Doctissimo, other foods which contain it, we have among others:

- Clams
- Snails
- Lentils
- White beans
- Oysters
- Molds
- Sunflower seeds
- Almonds and nuts
- Spinach
- Cocoa
- Broccoli
- Dates