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9 Things That Happen When You Put A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Room

9 Things That Happen When You Put A Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Room

Being concerned about the comfort that one feels in one's home pushes us to choose decorative objects that combine aesthetics and well-being. Himalayan salt lamps become very coveted in this sense, because it is not only a question of lighting. These contain crystals responsible for the feeling of soothing that we might feel. By purifying the air, these improve breathing, sleep and relieve many ailments. Let's explore their benefits!

Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Room

In interior decoration, lighting is an ally that should not be overlooked. From the strong luminosity for the shops and stores, to the dim lights of the rooms, we could choose the luminaires according to what we would like to convey as atmosphere.

If you want peace and relaxation, Himalayan salt lamps could become the essential objects of your decoration. Indeed, according to experts, they would have an immediate sanitizing effect.

What are Himalayan salt lamps?

Although the salt they contain does not always come from the Himalayas, they still consist of salt blocks hollowed out with bulbs arranged in the middle. In different colors, the intensity also differs from one lamp to another. As Current Woman indicates, the common point between all these lamps is that they purify the air and contribute to its purification. These promote the production of negative ions to kill bacteria, harmful particles and dust.

Here are 9 things you should know about Himalayan salt lamps!

Himalayan Salt Lamp In Your Room

1. Himalayan salt lamps help purify the air
Through the negative ions that are produced, the first thing you should know about these lamps is that they purify the air of all polluting particles.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

2. Reduction of allergies by removing particles
By purifying the air in a room, these lamps help reduce the mold caused by the presence of bacteria. Salt also absorbs moisture which prevents the development of allergies.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

3. Relieves cough and asthma
Throat irritations, asthma and certain allergies are favored by the presence of positive ions in the air. By fighting these ions, Himalayan salt lamps will help you feel better when you suffer from these ailments.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

4. Increases energy levels
The production of negative ions is also responsible for the increase in energy around the lamp. This energy favors a lower level of stress so that your body is fully rested.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

5. Decrease electromagnetic radiation
In addition to the beautiful colors known from Himalayan salt lamps, having them also makes it possible to combine business with pleasure by reducing the electromagnetic radiation from electronic objects, namely telephones and computer screens.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

6. Excellent ally for better sleep
By clarifying all of the above, and improving the air quality around you, these promise to fight sleep difficulties and maintain good sleep by placing you in a very healthy atmosphere.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

7. Reduce static electricity
Static electricity is the tingling sensation you might feel when touching objects, a kind of electric shock and current transfer. Through the concentration of negative ions produced by these lamps, it acts directly on the positively charged suspended particles.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

8. Ecological, they are not harmful to the environment
Himalayan salt lamps consume little energy and are therefore very ecological, especially if you use them with a candle.

Himalayan Salt Lamp

9. Perfect for meditation
The atmosphere they create in the room is so pleasant that it will make you want to think about yourself, your physical and mental well-being. Since the purpose of meditation is to feel the present moment, salt lamps are an excellent ally for this connection between body and mind....