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Top 5 Metaverse Stocks To Invest In 2022

Top 5 Metaverse Stocks To Invest In 2022

Investors are enthusiastic about the metaverse. This term has indeed become an investment theme in its own right since the end of October, when the social media giant, formerly known as Facebook, announced that it was changing its corporate name to Meta Platforms. in order to reflect its orientation towards the metaverse.

5 Metaverse Stocks To Invest In 2022

The metaverse, which is essentially a fusion of the physical and virtual worlds, is widely regarded as the next evolution of the Internet. Projections for the size of the metaverse market vary widely, but all point to massive economic importance over time.

First ETF specializing in Metaverse Equities

The 5 best stocks to buy in Metaverse in 2022 Investors have therefore rightly started looking for the best stocks to take advantage of the phenomenon. And ETF issuers were quick to respond either, with Roundhill having recently launched a thematic ETF for investors interested in the concept, the Roundhill Ball Metaverse ETF, for example.

In this article, we have therefore listed the top 5 ETF positions, in order to reveal which are the best stocks to invest in the metaverse in 2022 according to Roundhill.

As you will see, many of the stocks included in the ETF are large technology caps that could benefit from the metaverse, but their business is by no means entirely based on this concept.

The 5  Best Metaverse Stocks To Buy In 2022 According To Roundhill

As promised, you will find below the list of the 5 biggest positions of the ETF Roundhill Ball Metaverse:

Nvidia (10% of the ETF)

Nvidia is one of the world leaders in computer graphics cards, components whose demand is set to explode if the metaverse takes root, since virtual experiences require considerable graphics computing power.

Roblox (8.6% of ETF)

Roblox is currently the closest thing to a functional and profitable metaverse. We believe this is currently the most specialized stocks for investing in the metaverse, with a first-come advantage.

Microsoft (7.7% of the ETF)

As a very diverse IT company, many Microsofit businesses could benefit from the Metaverse craze. It is, however, the least specialized investment on the Metaverse on this list.

Meta Platforms (6.6% of ETF)

Meta, formerly Facebook, has made the creation of the Metaverse its core mission, and as such, it more than deserves its place in a selection of Metaverse stocks, although its Metaverse-related income is currently non-existent.

Unity Software (4.9% of ETF)

Finally, Unity Software offers software for creating environments and 3D modeling and is the world leader in its field, which ideally positions it to take advantage of the global craze for the concept of metaverse and the investments that are closely related to it. or far linked!