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Here Is The Famous Potato Diet: An Easy Way To Lose 4 Lb In 3 Days

Here Is The Famous Potato Diet: An Easy Way To Lose 4 Lb In 3 Days

The potato has existed for more than 8000 years on earth. Originally from the Andean Cordillera, it was imported into Europe by the Spanish conquistadors where she was very reluctant. The potato has come a long way since it is one of the most consumed foods, especially for its versatile side: it can be fried, baked, boiled or eaten mashed as well as steamed. But did you know that she is not that temptation being fried, now she will be your new slimming ally with this surprising diet!

Having long been banned diets for weight loss, the potato ended up with a reputation for fat food, not helping to get rid of our extra pounds to have the ideal weight ideal or a good silhouette so much desired. This is quite understandable considering its popularity in fast food restaurants in the form of fries or in restaurants, skimmed in fat. However, this food contains among others:

- Antioxidant components namely chlorogenic acid and catechin that protect against molecules and atoms in the body possessing a single electron. When they are numerous, they are toxic and can accelerate the symptoms of old age as well as different diseases.

- Potato is a source of minerals: it is rich in iron, copper, manganese and potassium. Minerals necessary for the creation of collagen and hemoglobin as well as participation in many metabolic processes.

- Potato is high in fiber: A cooked potato contains 10% of the daily essential intake for a person in adulthood. This fiber content promotes digestion and the feeling of satiety.

In addition, it contains only a little fat. Indeed it is not the food as such that promotes weight gain but the cooking method. For example, a boiled potato does not contain any fat against French fries. In true food base and satiating nutrient, the potato is the main element of the diet developed by Jean Michel Cohen, nutritionist.

The principle of the potato diet is very simple, namely to consume only starchy foods, especially potatoes, and liquid products for a few days. This low calorie diet would allow you to lose weight quickly.

Here is an example of a typical potato diet program:

First day 
  • Breakfast: A squeezed orange juice and a cup of tea
  • Lunch: A boiled potato without salt with a natural yoghurt
  • Dinner: Two Greek yogurts
Second day 
  • Breakfast: A natural yogurt and a grapefruit juice
  • Lunch: Two boiled potatoes without salt and a natural yoghurt
  • Dinner: A boiled potato without salt and a natural yoghurt
Third day 
  • Breakfast: A cup of green tea and a plain yoghurt
  • Lunch: A boiled potato without salt and a natural yoghurt
  • Dinner: Greek yoghurt
Do not forget that potatoes should also be chosen and those with yellow or red flesh preferred for their higher nutritional value. They should also be kept dry in a cool, dark place, as with fermented products, as too cold temperatures help to transform the starch in the tuber into sugar, which counteracts its use as part of a diet.

Caution :
Potato Diet is not recommended for people suffering from nutritional deficiencies. Note also that this plan can only be maintained for a short period because it is very restrictive.

For any long-term diet, consult your nutritionist or dietician.
Potato Diet