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How To Give Your Skin A New Glance

How To Give Your Skin A New Glance

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and as it is on the outside, bears the brunt of your existence. While many view skincare as a cosmetic endeavor, it’s an important ritual that will keep your exterior happy and healthy for years to come.

If you haven’t been giving your skin the TLC it deserves, it’s never too late to get started. Here are some effective ways to give your skin a second glance.

Ditch the Chemicals

While the idea of applying cheap moisturizer is better than nothing, the truth is that doing nothing is a better alternative. Rather than applying chemical-laden moisturizers that seep into your bloodstream through topical application, start making the switch to natural skincare products. 

Visit the Argan Oil Shop and invest in some pure argan oil as a powerful, antioxidant-rich form of hydration. Make your own rosewater at home to act as a cleanser and toner and opt for natural soaps. Think beyond your skincare products and consider other beauty products you use as well. Soaps, shampoos, and conditioners all come in contact with your skin, as do cosmetics. It’s worth investing in chemical-free products or making your own using natural materials.
Always Wear an SPF

Always look for makeup that contains an SPF, especially in the summer months. Apply sunscreen underneath when you plan on being outside and keep the rest of your body covered as well. Limit your exposure to UV rays that can do permanent damage to your skin, increase the signs of aging, and ultimately cause cancer.

Dermatologists are even recommending sunscreen even when you don’t plan on spending time outside. Many dermatologists report seeing people with advanced sun damage on the left side from their daily commute. While your vehicle’s window will diffuse the rays, it won’t prevent them from reaching your skin. Now that the ozone layer has thinned, you can’t rely on car windows for the same level of protection your parents could.

Drink More Water

It’s important to keep hydrated throughout the day for many reasons. It’s also essential that you understand that drinks like coffee and soda don’t count as hydration. Your skin needs water to maintain elasticity and to cleanse toxins that lead to blockages and blemishes. 

Drinking adequate amounts of water will keep your skin moist and supple. Without enough water, it will feel tight and dry. The minimum water intake for the average adult is eight glasses per day, but is generally more for those who are physically active. Many people report seeing changes in their skin within a few weeks of drinking more water.

Nourish Your Body

Beauty starts from within-- literally. When it comes to caring for your skin, the food you put into your body has a significant impact on what happens to your skin. Ensuring you eat a variety of nutrient-rich, minimally-processed foods will help keep your skin healthy throughout the course of your life. Vitamins C, E, D, and K all play a crucial role in the care of your skin, as do essential fatty acids. In other words, eat your vegetables.

By taking a proactive approach to skincare, you will maintain long-term health and wellness, boost your confidence, and maintain a youthful glow. 
Argan Oil